Festival and Community Event Development
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: The objectives of the program are to improve the sustainability and event-hosting capacity of unique community events and to support home-grown events that promote or strengthen the unique character of the community. Up to $10,000. Applicants can apply for one festival or event per fiscal year.
Example(s): Supports major events being hosted in Nova Scotia that align with the Nova Scotia Events Strategy. Major sporting and cultural events as well as homegrown major events like DEVOUR Food Film Festival.
Deadline: February 28th, 2025, 4:00 PM.
Contact: Stephen MacDougall, Senior Events Advisor, stephen.macdougall@novascotia.ca
Website: Festival and Community Event Development
Professional Arts Festivals and Performing Arts Series Presenters – Canada Arts Presentation Fund
Department - Organization: Federal Department of Canadian Heritage
Description: Supports existing professional arts festivals and performing arts series presenters to offer activities that connect artists with Canadians in their communities. This is primarily achieved through performances, as well as through audience development and outreach initiatives such as pre- or post-show panel discussions, public lectures and workshops, residencies, demonstrations, public rehearsals, and other forms of community engagement activities.
Deadline: April 1st and October 15th for projects which will occur after April 1st of the following year. April 1st is the application deadline for projects starting between April 1st and June 30th of the following year.
Email: atlantique-atlantic@pch.gc.ca
Website: Professional Arts Festivals and Performing Arts Series Presenters – Canada Arts Presentation Fund
Community Memorials Programme
Department - Organization: National Wall of Remembrance Association
Description: The Community Memorials Programme is one of the NWORA’s secondary objectives to help communities across Canada either repair/refurbish their local community memorials or build them if they do not already exist. Hundreds of memorials have been built in small towns, villages, and cities across Canada, especially after World War I, and many need repair.
Deadline: April 1st, October 1st (Annually)
Contact: Laurence Brooks at laurencebrooks14@gmail.com
Website: Community Memorials Programme
Diversity and Community Capacity Fund/ Community and Cultural Identities Fund
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: The Diversity and Community Capacity Fund invests in capacity-building efforts of organizations that represent traditionally marginalized communities. Through this fund, municipalities should look to increase access to programs and services that support equity, diversity and inclusion. Increase public understanding, through education, of traditionally marginalized groups and communities in Nova Scotia. Build the capacity of your organization to host an event/activity that promotes social inclusion.
The Community and Cultural Identities Fund is a companion program that supports activities which recognize and celebrate the diversity of Nova Scotia’s new, emerging, and established cultural communities. Funding is available for up to $10,000. Larger requests may be considered. Funding requests cannot exceed more than 75% of eligible costs.
Deadlines: April 15th, June 15th, September 15th
Contact: communitiesns@novascotia.ca
Website: Diversity and Community Capacity Fund & Community and Cultural Identities Fund
Community Anniversaries
Department - Organization: Department of Canadian Heritage
Description: The program provides funding to local groups for non-recurring local events, with or without a minor capital project. Funding is available for non-recurring events that mark the 100th anniversary or greater, in increments of 25 years (e.g., 125th, 150th); of a significant local historical event or personality. Applicants may request up to 100% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $200,000. See the website for specific requirements of events.
Deadline: April 30th for events that will occur during the next calendar year. For example, if your anniversary is in August 2024, you must apply by April 30, 2023.
Email: dcap-bcah@pch.gc.ca
Website: Community Anniversaries
Local Festivals – Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage
Department - Organization: Department of Canadian Heritage
Description: The program provides funding to local groups for recurring festivals that present the work of local artists; local artisans; local heritage performers or specialists; and local First Nations, Inuit, and Métis cultural carriers. This includes the celebration of LGBTQ2+ communities and Indigenous cultural celebrations. Applicants may request up to 100 percent of eligible expenses up to a maximum of $200,000.
April 30 – for festivals starting between January 1 and June 30 of the next calendar year.
October 15 – for festivals starting between July 1 and August 31 of the next calendar year.
January 31 – for festivals starting between September 1 and December 31 of the same calendar year.
Contact: enligne-online@pch.gc.ca
Website: Local Festivals – Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage
Commemorative Partnership Program
Department - Organization: Veterans Affairs Canada
- Communtiy Engagement: Supports remembrance initiatives including commemorative activities or the development of commemorative materials. Funding of $5000-$25000, 50% of eligible expenditures. Applications continue to be accepted on an on-going basis for requests of $10,000 or less and should be submitted at least three months before the project start date. Funding up to $25,000 for the 2025-26 fiscal year will have a deadline communicated this winter.
- Communtiy War Memorial: Supports the construction, restoration or expansion of a community war memorial. Small restoration projects, up to $10,000, are accepted year-round. Funding up to $25,000 for the 2025-26 fiscal year will have a deadline communicated this winter.
- No. 2 Construction Battalion commemorative projects: To commemorate the the largest all-Black unit created in the history of Canada. Up to $50,000 for projects & events. Closed January 30th, 2025.
To commemorate World War II's 80th anniversary, the Canadian Fallen Heroes Foundation is offering to help municipalities wishing to honour their fallen soldiers. Please consider joining this initiative.
Deadline: Continuous intake, with deadlines for larger projects being communicated this winter.
Email: cpp-ppc@veterans.gc.ca
Website: Commemorative Partnership Program
Museums Assistance Program
Department - Organization: Department of Canadian Heritage
Description: Provides funding to museums and related institutions through several streams, each has its own eligibility criteria
- Exhibition Circulation Fund: Continous intake. Assists museums with the costs related to the hosting of travelling exhibitions originating from another museum or from a federal heritage institution and the borrowing of artifacts from any of the National Museums of Canada.
- Access to Heritage: Closed November 1st, 2024. Provides funding to heritage organizations for travelling exhibitions in Canada, and to promote access to heritage across different geographic regions.
- Indigenous Heritage: Closed November 1st, 2024. . Supports the preservation, presentation and management of Indigenous cultural heritage in Canada.
- Collections Management: Closed November 1st, 2024. Provides funding for projects to improve knowledge, skills and practices related to key museum functions.
- Digital Access to Heritage: Closed March, 2024.
- Canada-France Agreement: Aims to develop relationships between museums in Canada and France to enhance the skills and competencies of museum professionals through the sharing of best practices. Deadline March 31st, 2025.
Deadline: See above
Contact: atlantique-atlantic@pch.gc.ca
Website: Museums Assistance Program
Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program
Department - Organization: Department of Canadian Heritage
Description: The program provides funding to community-based events that: A) promote intercultural or interfaith understanding. B) Promote discussions on multiculturalism, diversity, racism and religious discrimination. C) celebrate a community’s history and culture such as heritage months recognized by Parliament.
- Events: Continuous. It is advised that your application be submitted 18 weeks before the proposed event start date. Contact multiatl-atlmulti@pch.gc.ca.
- Projects: Anti-Racism Call closed December 4th, 2024. Anti-Hate Call closed. Contact financementpmlcr-fundingmarp@pch.gc.ca.
- Organizational Capcity Building: currently closed. Contact financementpmlcr-fundingmarp@pch.gc.ca.
- National Holocaust Remembrance Program: Curretly closed. Contact financementpmlcr-fundingmarp@pch.gc.ca
Website: Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program
Information Sessions(s): You can watch a video here for tips on your application.
Legacy Fund
Department - Organization: Department of Canadian Heritage
Description: The program provides funding for community-initiated capital projects. Recipients may receive up to 50% of eligible project expenses up to a maximum of $500,000. Funding supports community-initiated capital projects that:
- commemorate a significant local historical event or pay tribute to a significant local historical personality;
- mark a 100th anniversary or greater, in increments of 25 years (e.g., 125th, 150th);
- involve the restoration, renovation, or transformation of existing buildings or exterior spaces with local community significance that are intended for community use;
- encourage arts and heritage activities in the local community that are intended for and accessible to the general public.
Deadline: Continuous intake. Projects must be submitted before the anniversary date of the event or personality to be commemorated.
Email: dcap-bcah@pch.gc.ca
Canada Cultural Spaces Fund
Department - Organization: Federal Department of Canadian Heritage
Description: The objectives of the fund are to contribute to: improved physical conditions for professional arts and heritage-related collaboration, creation, presentation, preservation, and exhibition; and to increase and improve access for Canadians to arts and culture. The CCSF achieves these objectives by supporting the construction and/or renovation of arts and/or heritage facilities, including creative hubs; and the acquisition of specialized equipment and the development of feasibility studies for the construction or renovation of arts and/or heritage facilities, including creative hubs.
Deadline: Continuous intake
Email: atlantique-atlantic@pch.gc.ca
Website: Application Guidelines – Canada Cultural Spaces Fund
The McLean Foundation Grant
Department - Organization: The McLean Foundation
Description: They endeavour to maintain a flexible policy, with particular emphasis on projects showing promise of general social benefit but which may initially lack broad public appeal. Normally in the areas of social welfare, education, environmental conservation and the arts.
Deadline: Continuous intake
Contact: info@mcleanfoundation.ca
Website: The McLean Foundation Grant
R. Howard Webster Foundation
Department - Organization: R. Howard Webster Foundation
Description: The R. Howard Webster Foundation makes grants to outstanding Canadian charitable organizations offering unique and inspiring programs or projects for the benefit, improvement and development of Canadian society. The R. Howard Webster Foundation’s funding interests are within the areas of Arts & Culture, Education, Environment, Medical, and Social Services.
Example(s): Does not fund capital projects. Previous grantees can be viewed on their website.
Deadline: Continuous intake
Contact: application@rhwfdn.ca
Website: R. Howard Webster Foundation
Currently Closed, Next Intake TBD:
Community Museum Assistance Program
National Acadian Day funding
Celebrate Canada Funding Program
Digital Museums Canada Investment Program
Culture Innovation Fund
Young Canada Works
If you can't find a grant that suits your municipality's needs, please reach out. Similarly, if your municipality is applying to any of the listed opportunities, I am readily available to provide assistance throughout the application process.
Lucy MacLeod,
Fund Navigator