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Resources for Your Success

At the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities, we're committed to providing our members with valuable resources to help you thrive. Explore the following essential resources at your disposal:

Asset Management

Effective asset management is crucial for informed infrastructure decision-making and improved service delivery. NSFM is delighted to offer online resources tailored to provide municipal leaders with a clear and straightforward understanding of asset management principles.

Funding Database

Access our extensive Funding Database is your gateway to empowering communities across our province. The database is a centralized resource dedicated to helping you find municipal funding opportunities.

Canada Community Building Fund (CCBF)

Building Strong Communities, Together

A ground-breaking agreement between Canada and Nova Scotia, the federal Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF), became effective on April 1, 2014. This milestone marks a 10-year commitment, representing an estimated $580 million investment in stable and predictable funding for our local municipalities. The CCBF plays a crucial role in shaping and revitalizing public infrastructure across Nova Scotia while aligning with national objectives, including a cleaner environment, stronger cities and communities, and enhanced productivity and economic growth.

NSFM's Vital Role

Since 2015, the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities (NSFM) has been a pivotal partner, supporting the Province of Nova Scotia in administering the 2014-24 CCBF Agreement. Our focus is to empower municipalities to meet communication, signage, and asset management requirements. This collaborative effort aims to deliver valuable support and resources to our member municipalities, while also elevating the profile of locally driven initiatives funded by the federal government.

The CCBF is more than just funding; it's a testament to the commitment to build resilient communities and foster sustainable growth. Together, we create a brighter future for Nova Scotia.

Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund (SCCF)

Empowering Local Action on Climate Change

The Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund is a pioneering provincial grant program dedicated to fostering local action on climate change right here in Nova Scotia. This fund stands as a beacon of support for community-driven initiatives aimed at reducing or eliminating greenhouse gas emissions, as well as preparing for and responding to the impacts of a changing climate.

Your Path to Sustainable Change

The SCCF is more than a fund; it's a catalyst for sustainable transformation. It empowers Nova Scotia communities to take proactive steps in the fight against climate change. Whether your goal is to reduce emissions, enhance resilience, or address the challenges of a shifting climate, the SCCF is your ally in creating a brighter, more sustainable future for our province

Carbon Surcharge Fund Awards

Fostering Sustainability, One Project at a Time

In our commitment to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainability, NSFM's Board of Directors took a significant step. On June 8, 2012, they passed a motion to implement a $5 carbon surcharge on spring and fall conference registration fees. This surcharge has a clear purpose: to support sustainability initiatives and make our practices more environmentally friendly.

Empowering Local Sustainability

All the funds collected through this surcharge are held in a dedicated special fund. Annually, these funds are disbursed to municipalities, enabling them to undertake local, small-scale sustainability projects. These disbursements are made based on recommendations from NSFM's Board of Directors, ensuring that the support goes where it's needed most.

The Carbon Surcharge Fund Awards program is more than just a fee; it's a powerful engine of change that empowers municipalities to champion sustainability and reduce their carbon footprint. Join us in our journey towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia Property Tax CAP

2019 Assessment Year

Nova Scotia CAP - MountainMath Software and Analytic