Accessibility Tools


Wildfire Community Preparedness Day

Department - Organization: FireSmart Canada
Description: Please share with your local fire departments or other applicable groups. Wildfire Community Preparedness Day is a national campaign that encourages citizens to take actions that increase their home, neighbourhood and community’s resilience to wildfire. Groups can apply for a $500 award to fund their Prep Day events.
Deadline: January 31st, 2025

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Grant Program

Department - Organization: Recreation Facility Association of Nova Scotia/ with support from the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage
Description: The goal of this program is to increase the number of AEDs installed in sports and recreation facilities in Nova Scotia. Through this grant program owners or managing partners of sport and recreation facilities can be eligible to receive up to 1/2 the total cost of the purchase of an AED or replacement batteries or pads for AEDs purchased through the program to a maximum of $1,500.00 (taxes Included).
Deadline: February 15th (Annually)

Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund

Department - Organization: Department of Justice Canada
Description: Support for Official Language Minority Communities: Boost the supply of legal information and socio-legal support services for official language minority communities, with an emphasis on vulnerable populations within those communities. Support for the Justice System: Strengthen the bilingual capacity of the justice system through language training, professional development and promotion of the language of law.
Examples: Promote awareness, information and training about issues related to access to justice in both official languages. Develop and disseminate jurilinguistic and legal tools. Undertake research to the benefit of official language minority communities. Provide legal information and socio-legal support services to official language minority communities, with an emphasis on vulnerable populations within those communities. Provide advanced training focusing on legal terminology for bilingual justice professionals. Provide continuing professional education to people working within the justice system in a minority official language. Contribute to the development of a curriculum for bilingual students interested in pursuing a career in the field of justice. Elaborate a recruitment strategy and the promotion of justice-related careers.
Deadline: Continous intake
Website: Support Fund

Safe Community First Responder Program

Department - Organization: Enbridge
Description: Safe Community First Responder grant is for emergency response organizations within 20 kilometres of Enbridge operations. You can check the communities eligible by clicking here. The program awards grants for safety equipment, professional training, or safety education programs to emergency response organizations including fire departments, emergency medical and rescue services, emergency management organizations, 9-1-1 centers, ambulance services and law enforcement organizations.
Deadline: Continous intake

Disaster Financial Assistance

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Emergency Management Office)
Description: The Disaster Financial Assistance program can help municipalities get back on their feet after a major storm or natural disaster. This program helps with losses that aren’t covered by insurance. This can include structural damage and damage to uninsurable items. The amount of financial assistance is determined based on the circumstances, but Disaster Financial Assistance can cover damage up to $200,000.
Deadline: Continuous intake, based on the date of the disaster.

Civil Forfeiture Grant Program

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Department of Justice, Public Safety and Security
Description: The Civil Forfeiture Grant Program provides one-time funding to organizations that support eligible victims of crime and targeted crime prevention initiatives across Nova Scotia. The Program is funded from the disposition of forfeited property seized by law enforcement agencies. 
Example(s): The Two Peas in a Pod mentorship program targets at-risk youth who may be vulnerable to becoming involved in gang activities. This program matches at-risk youth with a peer mentor to spend 2-3 hours per week to engage in pro-social activities such as sport, tutoring and volunteering. It is expected that 30 youth in this program will become more engaged with their schoolwork and family.
Deadline: Continuous intake

Mitacs Municipal Support

Department - Organization: Mitacs
Description: They offer funding (non repayable grants) and connect municipalities with post-secondary researchers for innovative projects — from affordable housing, green initiatives, transit, infrastructure, climate change — and more — to tackle your most difficult challenges and create vibrant and healthy communities.
  • Non-repayable funding from $6,000 to multi-million.
  • A custom-built research and innovation team to roadmap your project.
  • Scalable, multidisciplinary projects in all areas.
  • Academic/research team to give you the specialized knowledge and skills that you need.
  • Works with you to resolve the major challenges that Canadian municipalities face
Deadline: Continuous intake
Contact: Form on the webpage

Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program

Department - Organization: Department of Canadian Heritage
Description: The program provides funding to community-based events that: A) promote intercultural or interfaith understanding. B) Promote discussions on multiculturalism, diversity, racism and religious discrimination. C) celebrate a community’s history and culture such as heritage months recognized by Parliament.
Information Sessions(s): You can watch a video here for tips on your application.

Security Infrastructure Program

Department - Organization: Public Safety Canada
Description: This program is not for municipally owned community centers.  Please share widely with the non-profit-run community and recreation centers in your municipalities. The program supports safety infrastructure, such as alarm systems, security personnel, graffiti spray, reinforced windows and doors, fire monitoring, and completion of security vulnerability assessments. Previous hate-motivated events do have to have previously occurred to be eligible.
Deadline: Continous, first-come, first-served basis.

Currently Closed Funding, Next Intake TBD:

Community Resilience Fund

Department - Organization: Public Safety Canada
Description: The Community Resilience Fund provides financial support to organizations working to improve Canada's understanding and capacity to prevent and counter violent extremism. The fund supports research, programming, and evaluation. Networking, including network and coalition building (e.g., conferences, workshops and seminars).
Example(s): British Columbia Government Office of Crime Reduction: The Shift program is a civilian-led program delivered in partnership with municipal governments, community stakeholders, and law enforcement to prevent radicalization to violence in the province, by engaging vulnerable individuals and developing intervention strategies tailored to the person. The project aims to help establish and support multi-agency hubs in British Columbia that connect at-risk individuals with local counselling, social services, or other tools in keeping with key disengagement strategies for those who may be at risk of adopting violent ideologies.
Deadline: Currently closed. The next open call for applications is TBD.

Fighting and Managing Wildfires in a Changing Climate Program

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: The program supports training and the procurement of firefighting equipment to increase capacity for fire management across Canada. Municipalities are listed as eligible under the Training Fund, and not the Equipment Fund. Funding to train 1,000 new community-based firefighters, to reduce the risk from wildfire and support community-based capacity.
Deadline: Closed February 1st, 2024

Enhanced Road Safety Transfer Payment Program

Department - Organization: Transport Canada 
Description: The program provides funding to support initiatives that contribute to a safe and secure transportation system. The ERSTPP aims to reduce road-related collisions, injuries, and fatalities, and encourage harmonization with provincial and territorial road safety initiatives through funding projects that help create nationally consistent tools that address road safety challenges. 
  • education and training, building enforcement capacity
  • collection of uniform, complete, timely road safety-related information and data
  • research activities to develop public policy development, revise non-federal safety regulations, etc.
  • development and improvement of current technology to promote a safer road transportation system
  • outreach activities, communication, cooperation, and collaboration among road safety stakeholders
Deadline: Closed February 8, 2024

Buildand Mobilize Foundational Wildland Fire Knowledge

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: Aims to encourage collaborative research and demonstration projects focused on innovation in wildfire risk assessment, risk mitigation, and adaptive forest management as per the Blueprint for Wildland Fire Science in Canada. This new program will address gaps in foundational knowledge by developing and evaluating wildland fire risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies and technologies that support Indigenous peoples, local and provincial/territorial governments and fire management agencies to reduce wildfire risk in the face of a changing climate.
Deadline: Closed on May 14th, 2024.

Farm Credit Canada AgriSpirit Fund

Department - Organization: Farm Credit Canada
Description: The FCC AgriSpirit Fund supports rural communities under 150,000 people across Canada with funding for capital projects that enrich the lives of community residents. $1.5 million distributed annually.
Example(s): Equipment for the fire department. Refrigeration and equipment to support food waste reduction and recovery. Construction of or upgrades to community buildings. Renovations or upgrades that reduce a building’s energy footprint. Initiatives that support agriculture and food.
Deadline: Closed on May 15th, 2024.

Flood Risk Infrastructure Investment Program (FRIIP)

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: FRIIP invests in infrastructure and studies which reduce flood risks and community vulnerability. The program will fund up to 50% of eligible project costs. Eligible project types include river training and floodway improvements; floodwater containment and flood intensity mitigation; study work including mapping to identify flood prone areas; and identification of potential solutions to mitigate flood impacts
Example(s): River training, floodwater containment, studies on mapping and flood impacts.
Deadline: Closed June 13, 2024.

Emergency Services Provider Fund

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: The Emergency Services Provider Fund offers financial help to fire departments and ground search and rescue organizations, including hazardous materials (HAZMAT) organizations. The funding is for equipment that’s used directly in response to a fire or emergency. The Emergency Services Provider Fund may fund up to 75% of eligible costs to a maximum of $20,000.
Example(s): Eligible costs include: personal protective equipment (PPE) and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), communications equipment, miscellaneous fire fighting equipment, rescue equipment, water supply and suppression equipment, HAZMAT equipment, and emergency power for building.
Deadline: Closed June 20th, 2024.

Wawanesa's Community Wildfire Prevention Grants 

Department - Organization: Wawanesa Insurance, FireSmart Canada,  Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction
Description: For projects that are aimed at prevention (reducing likelihood of wildfire, e.g. changing behaviours), and mitigation (reducing impacts of wildfires, e.g. fuel reduction). Wildfire response or suppression equipment will not be funded through this program. The program is offering 10 grants of up to $15,000 each to help communities across Canada reduce their risk of loss from wildfire through prevention activities. Municipalities and Fire Departments can apply.
Example(s): Edson Fire Department: This project will see the creation of a new Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) as well as a geographic information system map for the Town of Edson to easily identify wildfire threats, while offering effective prevention and mitigation strategies for the ongoing safety of the town and its residents.
Deadline: Closed November 29th, 2024. 

National Crime Prevention Strategy

Department - Organization: Public Safety Canada
Description: To be considered for funding, applications must propose initiatives aimed at one of the following priorities:
  • Direct intervention(s) that reduce the harmful factors that lead youth to get involved in violent criminal activity, such as gun violence and auto theft (an estimated 95% of total funding has been designated for this stream)
  • Direct intervention(s) that prevent bullying and cyber bullying (an estimated 3% of total funding has been designated for this stream)
  • Strengthening community readiness for Indigenous populations (an estimated 2% of total funding has been designated for this stream)
Eligibility: Provincial or municipal police services, including indigenous police services, and their governing authorities (including boards or police commissions) excluding the RCMP when acting in their capacity as a municipal, provincial or territorial police service; and Provincial, territorial, municipal and regional governments.
Deadline: Closed 20th, 2024

If you can't find a grant that suits your municipality's needs, please reach out. Similarly, if your municipality is applying to any of the listed opportunities, I am readily available to provide assistance throughout the application process.

Lucy MacLeod

Lucy MacLeod,
Fund Navigator