Accessibility Tools

Low Carbon Communities

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Natural Resources and Renewables
Description: Projects should support low carbon solutions in one of the four following categories. The program covers 75% of total project eligible costs.
  • clean buildings (up to $75k)
  • clean electricity  (up to $75k)
  • clean transportation  (up to $75k)
  • clean energy education  (up to $50k)
Example(s): Net-Zero Design for New Affordable Housing in Musquodoboit. Electric fleet and charging infrastructure planning in Kings County.
Deadline: EOI EXTENDED to July 5th, 2024. Applications: July 22nd, 2024.

Investments in Forest Industry Transformation 

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description:  Municipalities are eligible. The program will help improve the environmental performance of the forest sector by supporting demonstration and adoption projects that contribute to the decarbonization of industrial processes, as well as the efficient use of resources that generate more value from the same amount of wood. In addition to continuing to fund projects that produce renewable energy and sustainable bioproducts, IFIT will seek to invest in projects that integrate technologies leading to greater energy efficiency and explore bioenergy carbon capture in forest sector operations. Capital Investment projects stream: Up to $10M in funding. The studies stream provides up to $1M in funding.  
 The foresty sector in your community could benefit from additional funding that municipalities are ineligible for, such as Nova Scotia Foresty Innovation Transition Trust or federal funding programs
Deadline: June 30th, 2024. March 31st, 2025
Information Session:  You can find the webinar recording here.

Green Construction through Wood

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description:  The program encourages the use of innovative wood-based building technologies in construction projects. GCWood invests in wood construction projects that generate many benefits, including:
  • reduced GHG emissions from renewable and sustainable resources that help decarbonize the built environment
  • accelerated adoption of innovative building technologies and systems
  • updated building codes that allow for taller and larger wood buildings
  • affordable housing and community infrastructure
 The foresty sector in your community could benefit from additional funding that municipalities are ineligible for, such as Nova Scotia Foresty Innovation Transition Trust or federal funding programs
Deadline: June 30th, 2024. March 31st, 2025
Information Session:  You can find the webinar recording here.

Energy Innovation Program- Renewable Energy Demonstrations Call

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: The program invites project proposals that utilize solar, wind, geothermal, or marine energy. Eligible projects should start at Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) 6 or higher and have a capacity of at least 100 kW electrical or 300 kW thermal. Funding requests can range from $500,000 to $4,000,000 over a period of up to five years. 
Deadline: EOI July 2nd, 2024 (1pm ET). 

Growing Canada’s Community Canopies

Department - Organization: The Federation of Canadian Municipalities 
Description: The program addresses common barriers local governments and communities face when pursuing tree canopy expansion projects, including insufficient staff capacity, gaps in knowledge and financing, addresses common barriers local governments and communities face when pursuing tree canopy expansion projects, including insufficient staff capacity, gaps in knowledge and financing. The program is a $291M initiative that will support planting at least 1.2 million trees.
Deadline: Apply up until July 12, 2024 for the Spring 2025 planting season. Or between July 13 –October 15, 2024 for the Fall 2025 planting season funding.Municipalities

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation Grant

Department - Organization: TD Bank
Description: The Foundation supports a wide range of environmental initiatives, with a primary focus on environmental education and green space programs. The website states that municipalities are eligible. Eligible projects include park revitalization, community gardens, park programming and citizen science initiatives.
Deadline: July 15th, January 15th annually.

Local Leadership for Climate Adaption (under GMF)

Department - Organization: Federation of Canadian Municipalities 
Description:  GMF’s Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation (LLCA) initiative provides funding and skills development support to local governments to adapt and build long-term resiliency to the impacts of climate change. By 2031, this $530M initiative will fund more than 1,400 municipal activities. 
  • Adaption in Action – Increased implementation of equitable climate adaptation action taken by Canadian municipalities. Deadline August 14.
    • Implementation projects (Capital projects. 60-100% of costs, up to $1M.)
    • Feasibility studies (80-100% of costs up to $70k)
  • Capacity Development Partner Grants – funds partners to design and deliver training that will help local governments advance their climate adaptation knowledge and technical skills. Deadline August 7.
    • Helping local governments advance knowledge of climate adaptation.
    • Includes retroactive funding for grant writing.
  • Climate-Ready Plans and Processes – Integration of equitable and inclusive climate resilience into municipal plans, processes and management systems, such as asset management systems planning. Coming Fall 2024.
  • Financing Adaptation – Increase in new financing models utilized/leveraged by Canadian municipalities to finance climate adaptation capital projects. Coming Spring 2025.
  • Installing, retrofitting or upgrading public cooling/warming infrastructure (including natural infrastructure) to reduce community vulnerability to extreme temperatures (e.g., designated cooling/warming centres, cooling corridors, naturalized areas) 
  • Enhancing municipal service levels to respond to climate risks 
  • Installing back-up power on critical infrastructure/facilities 
  • Relocating municipal infrastructure 
  • Installing, retrofitting or upgrading public structures or critical infrastructure for municipal service provision to reduce the risks associated with climate hazards 
  • Installing, retrofitting or upgrading structural flood protection or stormwater collection works (e.g., sponge parks, flood conveyance works, pump stations, flood walls, flood boxes, debris catchment structures, jetties, detention ponds) 
  • Shoreline rehabilitation, including restoring natural shoreline protection through natural infrastructure, beach nourishment and/or bank stabilization 
Deadline: Capacity Development Partner Grants: August 7th, 2024, and Adaption in Action: August 14th, 2024. 

Green Industrial Facilities and Manufacturing Program

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: The fund Provides financial assistance to existing industrial facilities (municipal utilities and wastewater treatment facilities) seeking to implement energy efficiency and energy management solutions within their facilities 
Eligible activities: 
  1. Invest in energy management training;
  2. Conduct energy assessments and audits; 
  3. Hire or retain energy managers;
  4. Implement energy management systems; and
  5. Invest in energy efficiency-focused capital retrofits in existing facilities.
The program provides cost-shared financial assistance of up to 50% of total eligible expenditures to a maximum of $10 million per proposal; the minimum contribution is $40,000 per proposal. For Indigenous recipients or registered not-for-profit organizations, the Program may provide cost-shared financial assistance of up to 100% of eligible implementation expenditures to a maximum of $10 million per proposal.
There is no limit to the number of facilities that can be part of the same project proposal.
Example(s): Eligible NAICS codes for the fund are: 11, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, and 56. Both municipally owned utilities and wastewater treatment facilities fall under NAICS code 22 and would therefore be eligible for funding.
Deadline: August 30th, 2024.

Green Municipal Fund

Department - Organization: Infrastructure Canada/Federation of Canadian Municipalities 
Description:  GMF is more than just a funding source—they are a full-service partner in your climate action progress. Grants and loans for all stages. Stackable with other funding sources. Dedicated staff to help you apply. Free resources to help build business cases and improve project outcomes. Grants from $100-500k for up to 50% of eligible costs, combined grant and loan to a maximum of $10M for up to 80% of eligible costs.
  • Sustainable Municipal Buildings: Funding for high-efficiency new construction of municipal and community buildings, and retrofits of municipal buildings.
  • Community Energy Systems: Support for the adoption of renewable energy solutions that meet community needs and are aligned with a net-zero future.
  • Municipal Fleet Electrification: Funding for the electrification of municipal and transit fleets to help municipalities achieve net-zero transportation emissions.
  • Organic Waste to Energy: Support for communities with established waste diversion programs to generate renewable energy from organic waste streams or landfill gas.
  • Local Net-Zero Transformation: Funding for innovative projects that have significant GHG reduction benefits and are not eligible under other GMF funding offers.
Deadline: Continuous

Community Solar Program

Department - Organization: NS Department of Natural Resources and Renewables 
Description: Please click here for an overview of the Community Solar Program. The program brings together local project owners with solar subscribers. Project owners are eligible individuals, businesses, non-profits, and other groups who wish to build, own, and operate a community solar garden to generate clean electricity for participating subscribers. Project owners can choose to use their solar garden to benefit subscribers from a specific community, group, or geographic area, or they can accept subscribers from the general public
Deadline: Continuous intake.

Natural Asset Management Roadmap

Department - Organization: Intact Public Entities/ Natural Assets Initiative
Description: Intact Public Entities (IPE) has announced a new partnership with Natural Assets Initiative (NAI) to sponsor the Natural Asset Management Roadmap Program for municipalities (for those insured by Intact). Developed and led by NAI, the program provides direction, support and guidance to local governments as they develop roadmaps to account for natural assets in their asset management strategies. Roadmaps have proven to be a relatively low-effort, high-impact activity requiring no more than a few days of effort for the project lead and a few hours from the other staff participants; yet it provides a strong foundation for participants to get started on Natural Asset Management with confidence that they are on the right track.
Deadline: Open call for EOI

Green Freight Program

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description:  The program will help fleets reduce their fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from on-road freight through fleet energy assessments, fleet retrofits, engine repowers, best-practice implementation and the purchase of low-carbon vehicles. There are two streams, municipal governments are listed as eligible applicants on both streams. Stream 1 of the program provides grant funding up to a maximum of $250,000 per Applicant. Stream 2 contributes up to 50% of total project costs, up to a maximum of $5 million per project.
Example(s): Stream 1 includes Third-Party Fleet Energy Assessments; and/or Truck/Trailer Equipment Retrofits. Stream 2: They can include, but are not limited to, the purchase of fueling equipment, and costs associated with site preparation and networking equipment; however, land is not considered an eligible expenditure under this program. The retrofitting or upgrading of existing capital assets is included under this stream.
Deadline: Stream 1 is a continuous intake

Energy Rebates & Solutions

Department - Organization: Efficiency Nova Scotia
Description: These programs include rebates, for a variety of measures to make municipal operations more efficient. Non-electric retrofits, which allow for the installation of heat pumps in municipal buildings. For many smaller municipalities, all of their facilities (except water and wastewater treatment facilities, arenas and indoor pools) will likely qualify for this program. There is also support for engineered studies and models. You can use their online form to explain what you’re looking to achieve.
Deadline: Continuous intake 

Mitacs Municipal Support

Department - Organization: Mitacs
Description: Mitacs connects municipalities of all sizes with post-secondary researchers for innovative projects ensuring Canadians develop the best public policies to create vibrant and healthy communities. Mitacs is a national, not-for-profit organization that designs and delivers research internships, placing highly educated graduate students and postdocs into the public and private sectors. Bringing a qualified intern on board, whether it’s a college student, a university student, a grad or a postdoc, is a smart strategy, allowing you to tap into their knowledge and know-how while keeping your budget in check. It’s also a great way to boost your organization’s productivity and create a valuable work opportunity for students who are passionate about the challenges you face.
  • Non-repayable funding from $6,000 to multi-million.
  • A custom-built research and innovation team to roadmap your project.
  • Scalable, multidisciplinary projects in all areas.
  • Academic/research team to give you the specialized knowledge and skills that you need.
  • Works with you to resolve the major challenges that Canadian municipalities face
Deadline: Continuous intake
Contact: Form on the webpage

Farm Credit Canada Community Fund

Department - Organization: Farm Credit Canada
Description: FCC Community Funding is to help enhance communities. Eligible organizations can apply for up to $10,000 in FCC Community Funding annually and applications are accepted year-round.
Deadline: Continuous intake

Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: Provides funding for clean energy projects in rural and remote communities. Including biomass heating, district heating, and combined heat and power systems. There is also a stream for research, development, and demonstration projects. A rural community is defined as a community with a population of fewer than 5,000 people and a population density of fewer than 400 persons per square kilometre and not connected to the North American piped natural gas network. Remote community refers to a community not currently connected to the North American electrical grid or the piped natural gas network and is a permanent or long-term (5 years or more) settlement with at least 10 dwellings.
Example(s): Fort Nelson, BC: This investment will focus on community energy planning, feasibility modelling, design, permitting and resource assessment to support a geothermal electricity generation project under the Emerging Renewable Power Program.
Deadline: Continuous intake

PACE Programs

Department - Organization: Programs offered by Clean Foundation & Switch PACE & FCM
Description: Homeowners can access low-interest financing to cover the cost of these upgrades through PACE programs offered by their municipalities. Each municipality can have their own PACE program or can join a turnkey program. Such as the Clean Energy Financing program created by Clean Foundation, or Switch PACE. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities administers the Community Efficiency Financing program that offers loans and grants to help municipalities across Canada deliver energy efficiency and solar power financing programs for residential properties, including PACE.
Deadline: Continous

2Billion Trees

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: The program provides financial support to organizations to plant trees over 10 years. Please also see the Clean Foundation's sister program, the Thriving Forests Program.
Deadline: Open call for proposals

Thriving Forests Program

Department - Organization: Clean Foundation
Description: Thriving Forests is a sister program to the federal 2Billion Trees program. This program can help municipalities develop projects and connect them with service suppliers and local seed stock inventory. All projects must be planting incremental trees, meaning above and beyond any current legally-required tree planting activities, and not be part of business-as-usual commercial forestry activities. 
Example(s): Examples of successful projects may include (but are not limited to): Reforesting an area after a wildfire, reforesting an urban area that has fallen to disease, afforestation on retired agricultural land, restoration of legacy forest landings or forest roads, urban planting projects, initiatives to improve biodiversity and habitat resilience, reforesting an area where disturbances impact a critical habitat, infill planting or underplanting to increase biodiversity of an area.
Deadline: Open for expression of interest
Contact: Rachael MacNeil,

Permanent Public Transit Funding: Zero Emission Transit Fund

Department - Organization: Infrastructure Canada
Description: The fund is to support the electrification of public transit, support the purchase of 5,000 zero-emission buses and build supporting infrastructure, including charging infrastructure and facility upgrades. There is a planning stream and a capital stream.
Example(s): Eligible projects include studies, modelling and feasibility analysis that will support the development of future larger-scale capital projects. Eligible capital projects include buses, charging and refuelling infrastructure, and other ancillary infrastructure needs.
Deadline: Currently open for applications.

Max Bell Foundation Grants

Department - Organization: Max Bell Foundation
Description: The Max Bell Foundation makes grants to support projects that are designed to inform public policy. They do so across four program areas: Education; Environment; Health & Wellness; and Civic Engagement and Democratic Institutions. A typical project supported by Max Bell Foundation ranges from 1-3 years in duration and has a budget that ranges from approximately $10,000 to $200,000. Max Bell Foundation is often the only financial supporter of projects they fund. Not for building or service delivery, it is for projects that inform public policy. You can view previous grants awarded here:
Deadline: Continuous intake
Contact: Contact Form

Municipal Adoption Fund

Department - Organization: Divert Nova Scotia
Description: Divert NS provides support for municipalities and/or waste management regions that wish to adopt a waste diversion program previously established in Nova Scotia. 
Deadline: Continuous intake. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact their Regional Coordinator in advance of submitting their application. 
Example(s): Curbside collection and recycling of textiles, Green cart collection of pet waste, Curbside collection and recycling of expanded polystyrene, Implementation of a reuse center, Curbside collection and recycling of small scrap metal.
Contact: Regional coordinator (To be updated ASAP)

Municipal Efficiency Fund

Department - Organization: Divert Nova Scotia
Description: Divert NS provides support for increasing efficiency in the municipal solid waste-resource management system of Nova Scotia. The fund will support municipalities in researching, developing and implementing efficiency projects. 
Deadline: Continuous intake. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact their Regional Coordinator in advance of submitting their application. 
Example(s): Eligible projects under the program could include: Projects assessing the feasibility of shared services or regional collaboration. Projects that create new processes, systems and services or improve substantially those already in existence. Examples of past research can be found here.
Contact: Regional coordinator  (To be updated ASAP)

R. Howard Webster Foundation

Department - Organization: R. Howard Webster Foundation
Description: The R. Howard Webster Foundation makes grants to outstanding Canadian charitable organizations offering unique and inspiring programs or projects for the benefit, improvement and development of Canadian society. The R. Howard Webster Foundation’s funding interests are within the areas of Arts & Culture, Education, Environment, Medical, and Social Services.
Example(s): Does not fund capital projects. Previous grantees can be viewed on their website.
Deadline: Continuous intake

Rink Efficiency

Department - Organization: Efficiency Nova Scotia
Description: Through the program, municipalities can improve their rink or arena’s energy efficiency. This will not only improve conditions for customers, it will result in cost savings that can be reinvested in other ways. There are programs for retrofits, optimization, and rebates. You can inquire about your project idea on their website, and they will get back to you within two business days.
Deadline: Continuous intake
Contact: Use the contact form on the website.
Website: Rink Efficiency

The McLean Foundation Grant

Department - Organization: The McLean Foundation
Description: They endeavour to maintain a flexible policy, with particular emphasis on projects showing promise of general social benefit but which may initially lack broad public appeal. Normally in the areas of social welfare, education, environmental conservation and the arts.
Deadline: Continuous 

McConnell Foundation Grants

Department - Organization: The McConnell Foundation
Description: The McConnell Foundation funds three areas; community, reconciliation, and climate. They fund a wide variety of projects and understand that applying for funding can take a lot of time and resources. Therefore, have designed a two-stage process meant to minimize the time required. Stage 1 consists of selecting the focus area your initiative is most aligned with, and submitting a short-form application.
  • Community: spaces of collaboration and policy change that address barriers to social and economic inclusion
  • Reconciliation: projects that allow communities to contribute to a reconciliation economy in relationship with both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
  • Climate: climate mitigation solutions.
Deadline: Continuous 
Example(s): There is a database of previously funded projects, view it here. For example, funding to contribute to Community Connectors to run a series of community conversations over the next two years, to surface key issues, identify solutions, form natural support groups and disseminate community insights with mainstream organizations to influence systems change. 
Contact: You can book a 15-minute appointment to determine if they are the right partner for your project.

Currently Closed, Next Intake TBD:

Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund

Department - Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada 
Description: This $1.4 billion, ten-year fund (2021-2031) is focused on supporting natural climate solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help achieve Canada’s emission reduction targets. NSCSF supports projects and initiatives that reduce the loss, restore, or improve the management of ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, peatlands and grasslands. These projects are expected to provide co-benefits such as wildlife habitat, water quality improvement, climate adaptation and value to communities. A new application period is expected to open later this year. Municipalities are encouraged to propose ideas and apply. 
Deadline: will open Summer, 2024.

Disaster Mitigation Adaption Fund

Department - Organization: Infrastructure Canada
Description: The fund is to help build infrastructure that will increase the resilience of communities impacted by natural disasters. 
Deadline: Intake is currently closed, waiting on further information.

Carbon Surcharge Fund

Department - Organization: NSFM
Description: All carbon surcharge money collected is held in a special account and disbursed annually to support local, small-scale initiatives to help a municipality reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In 2023 NSFM had $2342 to disburse.
Example(s): 2019: Town of Wolfville for its student sustainability orientation program. County of Victoria for its Reuse Centre in Baddeck. 2018: District of West Hants for its Water Leak Detection Program. 2017: Town of Middleton for its Bike Repair Station Project. 2017: County of Pictou for its Food Producers Network. 2016: District of Lunenburg for its Electric Bike Program. 2015: Town of Kentville for its Green Roof Project. 2014: County of Inverness for its Community Energy Reduction Project. 2013: District of West Hants for its Residential Water Conservation Initiative.
Deadline: Closed August, 2023. The next intake is in Summer 2024.

Green and Inclusive Community Buildings

Department - Organization: Infrastructure Canada
Description: The program supports green and accessible retrofits, repairs or upgrades of existing public community buildings and the construction of new publicly accessible community buildings that serve high-needs, underserved communities across Canada.
Deadline: Closed. (Another intake not anticipated)

Joan Freynman Climate Change Fund

Department - Organization: Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia 
Description: The grants are small matching grants for climate change-related projects throughout Nova Scotia. The grants are designed to support innovative, community-based action and to promote environmentally sustainable, socially supportive, and economically thriving communities. The program/service that is the focus of the project must be directed toward a rural area of Nova Scotia. Up to $5000.
Example(s): Clean Annapolis River Project.
Deadline: Closed February, 2023. Next intake TBD.

Natural Infrastructure Fund

Department - Organization: Infrastructure Canada
Description: The fund supports projects that use natural or hybrid approaches to protect the natural environment, support healthy and resilient communities, and contribute to economic growth and jobs.
Deadline: Currently not accepting applications, waiting on further information about additional funding for the program.

Zero Emission Trucking Program

Department - Organization: Transport Canada
Description: The program will support municipalities to develop, modernize, and align the necessary guidelines, codes, standards and regulations to accelerate the safe deployment of zero-emission trucking in Canada. Up to $1 million per project, up to 75%.
Deadline: Closed. (Another intake is not anticipated) 

Clean Fuels Fund

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: This fund includes projects to improve logistics for the collection, supply, and distribution of biomass materials (e.g. municipal waste). 
Deadline: Next intake TBD.

Zero Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: Supports projects that aim to increase awareness, knowledge and public confidence in zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) and public charging and refuelling infrastructure. 
Example(s): Edmonton Electric Vehicle Trade Show
Deadline: Closed September, 2023. Next intake TBD.

Atlantic Salmon Conservation

Department - Organization: The Foundation for Conservation of Atlantic Salmon
Description: Municipalities are eligible to apply for funding to support wild Atlantic salmon conservation initiatives. The fund supports projects that protect wild Atlantic salmon, as well as preserve the important river cultures and economies of communities across Atlantic Canada and Quebec. With $1.5 million dollars available for distribution this year, they look forward to seeing applications from municipalities to aid in the conservation of this essential species. They invite you to take advantage of this funding opportunity to help ensure wild Atlantic salmon remains a staple in Canadian identity, culture and economy for generations to come. 
Deadline: Closed November 17th, 2023. 5 pm AST.
Contact: Charline McCoy at 506-455-9900 or

EJ4Climate: Environmental Justice and Climate Resilience

Department - Organization: Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Description: They are calling for project proposals that will advance community-driven strategies in support of environmental justice and community resilience to the impacts of extreme weather events in urban areas. The community-driven strategies should look to implement long-lasting solutions to strengthen resilience to extreme weather events and reduce adverse health, economic and social impacts. Urban is defined as a city- settlement of at least 50,000 inhabitants in a high-density cluster of grid cells (greater than 1,500 inhabitants per sq. km). Or Towns: settlements with between 5,000 and 50,000 that are either dense (with a density of at least 1,500 inhabitants per sq. km) or semi-dense (a density at least 300 inhabitants per sq. km). Or Suburban or peri-urban areas: cells belonging to urban clusters but not part of a town.
Deadline: Closed November 9th, 2023. 5 pm EST.

Community Climate Capacity Program

Department - Organization: Clean Foundation 
Description: The program will be working with up to 15 Nova Scotian communities over three years, supporting their climate and sustainability measures by helping to identify their climate challenges and implement adaptation and mitigation actions. Municipalities will be provided with a dedicated staff of specialists who can help guide them through climate and sustainability initiatives at the local level. To apply for the Community Climate Capacity program, one must first submit an Expression of Interest by early November 2023.
Deadline: EOI closed November 17th.

Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund

Department - Organization: The Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities
Description:. The program provides competitive opportunities to encourage communities in their climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. Adaption includes built environment and climate-ready infrastructure, ecosystems and nature-based solutions, community coordination and planning. Mitigation includes buildings, transportation, energy generation and storage, waste management and circular economy, carbon storage and sequestration.
Deadline: Closed November 28, 2023 

Treemendous Communities 

Department - Organization: Tree Canada
Description: Eligible projects receive funding up to $10,000 to cover the cost of purchasing and planting trees and shrubs, site preparation, tree maintenance, planting materials and developing education materials. They accept a wide range of project proposals such as heat island mitigation projects, biodiversity corridors, stormwater retention, invasive species control, riparian planting, park and street tree plantings, and more.
Deadline: Closed December 3rd, 2023.

Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: To install EV charging systems in public places, on-street, at workplaces and multi-unit residential buildings, as well as infrastructure for ZEV fleets
Example(s): Killam Properties – Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Alberta – 438 electric vehicle chargers under construction ($731, 783).
Deadline: Closed.

Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities Program

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: The program will provide funding to enable communities and sectors to work collaboratively at a regional scale to overcome barriers and develop coordinated solutions to climate change risks (e.g. increasing sea level rise, coastal erosion, storm surge) in coastal regions.
Example(s): Revise land use plans and policies, e.g. restrict types of development in high-risk areas. Apply revised codes and standards, e.g. building designs that minimize damage. Implement nature-based approaches to prevent shoreline erosion and reduce the impact of coastal flooding. Plan for the retreat of community assets, housing, or infrastructure away from coastal climate change hazards. Establish sustainable inclusive governance mechanisms. Determine financing approaches.
Deadline: Closed December 13th, 2023 (Another intake is not anticipated)

Municipal Capital Growth Program

Department - Organization: Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: The program supports investment in municipal infrastructure projects. Municipalities and villages can apply for funding from the Municipal Capital Growth Program to help reduce the cost of infrastructure projects that support the province’s growing population.
Example(s): Climate Change Adaptation: Capital Project Recommendations from Climate Hazard/Risk Assessments. Coastal and Inland Flooding Adaptations. Emergency prep: generators, water storage.
Deadline: Closed December 13th, 2023

Sustainable Development Goals Program

Department - Organization: Employment and Social Development Canada 
Description: In September 2015, Canada and 192 other UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda is a 15-year global framework centred on an ambitious set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This includes areas applicable to municipalities, such as sustainable cities and communities, decent work and economic growth, clean water and sanitation,
There are two streams to the funding program, 1) Grants, and 2) Contributions. The Grants stream of this Call for Proposals will fund projects that increase public awareness, and share best practices or lessons learned that support and enhance Canada’s progress on the 2030 Agenda, particularly within equity-deserving groups and groups or individuals in vulnerable situations. Up to $200,000 for a project that is up to 24 months (maximum $100,000 per fiscal year). The Contributions stream of this Call for Proposals will fund projects that aim to localize SDGs in communities. Funded projects will adapt, employ, and monitor the progress of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the local level and will measure and report on the SDGs.  Up to $900,000 for a project that is up to 36 months (maximum $300,000 per fiscal year)
Example: By the Governors of Saint-Francis Xavier University: This project addresses the barriers to affordable housing in Nova Scotia. It leads a grassroots community consultation using the SDGs as a blueprint to frame the discussions. It addresses the factors that influence the housing needs of people living in low-income and marginalized populations. 
Deadline:  Closed January 22, 2024.

Environmental Damages Fund

Department - Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Description: Supports projects that benefit the natural environment, achieve restoration of damage to the natural environment and wildlife conservation, cost-effectively. Priority is given to projects that restore the natural environment and conserve wildlife, followed by environmental quality improvement initiatives, research and development on environmental restoration and improvement, and education and awareness on issues affecting the health of the natural environment.
Example(s): Install reef balls in the Halifax Harbour to create and restore marine habitat. These reef balls will complete a network of over 7.5 hectares of reef structures in Halifax Harbour.
Deadline: Currently not available in Nova Scotia.

Building Capacity with the Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: The program supports projects that can transform our electricity sector as we move toward a net-zero economy by 2050. Capacity Building Grants through SREPs help support an equitable transition to a cleaner electrical grid. Funded projects enable communities and organizations to acquire knowledge and tools to support decision-making and participation as SREPs advance the deployment of renewable energy, energy storage, and grid modernization across Canada.
If you are considering applying to Nova Scotia's Community Solar Program, you may consider applying to SREP as well, it will provide essential support to the development of community solar projects.
Deadline: Closed January 31st, 2024

Marine Debris Clean-Up Program

Department - Organization: Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Description: The program provides funding to help remove debris from Nova Scotia's marine and freshwater shorelines. The program has 3 funding streams: Shoreline Clean-up – supports clean-up efforts of marine and freshwater coastlines. Marine Debris and Litter Prevention – supports methods of reducing litter from reaching our water systems. Marine Debris and Litter Recycling – supports waste diversion solutions that encourage recycling over sending debris to landfills.
Deadline: Closed February 1st, 2024

Low Carbon Economy Fund - Low Carbon Economy Challenge

Department - Organization: Environment and Natural Resources Canada
Description: The Low Carbon Economy Challenge is part of the Low Carbon Economy Fund. Projects must result in greenhouse gas emissions reductions in 2030 and must align with Canada’s goals for net-zero emissions by 2050. Projects for municipalities could include waste diversion, and biomass retrofits (wastewater). Applicants can request between $1 million and $25 million in funding for eligible project expenditures, with cost-sharing of 50% of total project costs for municipalities. Self-Screening Tool for understanding project eligibility and competitiveness. To access the tool, please send an email to
Deadline: Closed February 8th, 2024.

Charged for Change

Department - Organization: Aviva Canada/Earth Day Canada
Description: The program will enable the installation of at least two new charging stations in underserved communities across Canada, and will cover 100% of project costs. Funding of up to $125,000 per community is available.
Deadline: Closed February 22nd, 2024.
Information Session(s):  Recorded session on YouTube 

EV Boost 

Department - Organization: Clean Foundation 
Description: Access to electric vehicle charging in Nova Scotia is increasing! EV Boost is helping to bring more Level-2 EV chargers to eligible organizations in the province. Through funding provided by Natural Resources Canada's (NRCan) Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP), Clean Foundation will help to support the deployment and installation of up to 250 EV chargers.
Deadline: Closed
Website: EV Boost

Green Choice Program

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Natural Resources and Renewables
Description: Large energy buyers, including municipalities, can purchase up to 100% of their electricity from local renewable energy sources through the Green Choice Program.
Deadline: Closed March 4, 2024.

Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: The fund will provide up to $1.5 billion in federal funding over 7 years for clean energy and transportation infrastructure projects necessary to enable the sustainable development and expansion of critical minerals in Canada. Designed to: Unlock new critical mineral resources, support improved environmental performance at mine sites, facilitate market access for critical minerals, and strengthen supply chains (i.e., by connecting resources to midstream processing and refining, and downstream manufacturing). Two streams: Preconstruction and project development activities (stream 1) and infrastructure deployment activities (stream 2).
Deadline: Closed February 29th, 2024.

EcoAction Community Funding Program

Department - Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Description: Municipalities are ineligible, but are encouraged to partner with non-profit and non-governmental groups and organizations to support a project proposal. Funding is available for new projects that engage Canadian communities and demonstrate measurable, positive results related to fresh water. Projects should contribute to improving freshwater quality through actions that reduce harmful substances in fresh water and/or restore and protect freshwater ecosystem health. The maximum EcoAction funding is $100,000 per project; the minimum funding amount requested is $25,000 per project. A minimum of 50% of the total project value must come from sources other than the Government of Canada.
Deadline: Closed March 22, 2024.


Department - Organization: Innoweave/ McConnell Family Foundation
Description: Innoweave helps organizations implement social innovation with personalized coaching. Innoweave teaches the organization to implement these changes itself, taking a coaching method rather than a consultation approach. They offer funding three times a year through a competitive process, funding 2/3 of organizations (up to $10,000). With a large network of experienced coaches, they guide areas like policy engagement, scaling impact, developmental evaluation, and impact measurement. To better understand the program, please watch the “Introduction to Innoweave” video.
Deadline: closed April 26th, 2024.

Pan-Atlantic Net-zero Community Accelerator Program

Department - Organization: Quest Canada
Description: A three-year program with an initial target Pan-Atlantic cohort of 15 municipalities, eligible applicants include local governments or organizations applying on behalf of a local government or a group of local governments. Get tailored services to help you develop and/or implement a community energy plan or initiative. Help reduce your GHG emissions. For every % of reduction in community energy use, more dollars are kept in your local economy. The majority of the program is funded by ACOA & private companies. The cost to participate is based on the population of the municipality (approximately $2000-$6000). Includes:
  • Community Energy Benchmark Assessment: identify strengths and areas for improvement
  • Energy Mapping Exercise: identify opportunities for energy and emissions reduction
  • Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP) Development Workshop: take a deep dive into areas of opportunity
  • CEEP Implementation Workshop
  • Monthly Meetings and Webinars
  • Success Stories: during and after, they share your successes far and wide
  • Economic Impact Assessment
Deadline: closed April 29, 5:00 pm Atlantic Daylight Time.

Farm Credit Canada AgriSpirit Fund

Department - Organization: Farm Credit Canada
Description: The FCC AgriSpirit Fund supports rural communities under 150,000 people across Canada with funding for capital projects that enrich the lives of community residents. $1.5 million distributed annually.
Example(s): Equipment for the fire department. Refrigeration and equipment to support food waste reduction and recovery. Construction of or upgrades to community buildings. Renovations or upgrades that reduce a building’s energy footprint. Initiatives that support agriculture and food.
Deadline: Closed on May 15th, 2024.

Provincial Capital Assistance Program (PCAP)

Department - Organization: Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: A fund for municipal projects designed to eliminate serious environmental and health problems. The program supports investment in high-priority municipal infrastructure projects. There is an emphasis on using the funding for study or design work needed to prepare for larger funding opportunities. You need to use the funding for municipally owned infrastructure projects like water supply, sewage disposal, and solid waste management. Projects that reduce or eliminate actual and potential environmental and health problems in the municipality are given priority. Priority is also given to projects that include collaborating with multiple municipalities or have beneficial impacts on larger populations
Example Project: Stormwater management study, landfill decommission project
Deadline: Closed June 13, 2024.

Flood Risk Infrastructure Investment Program

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: FRIIP invests in infrastructure and studies which reduce flood risks and community vulnerability. The program will fund up to 50% of eligible project costs. Eligible project types include river training and floodway improvements; floodwater containment and flood intensity mitigation; study work including mapping to identify flood prone areas; and identification of potential solutions to mitigate flood impacts.
Deadline: Closed June 13, 2024.


If you can't find a grant that suits your municipality's needs, please reach out. Similarly, if your municipality is applying to any of the listed opportunities, I am readily available to provide assistance throughout the application process.

Lucy MacLeod

Lucy MacLeod,
Fund Navigator