Accessibility Tools

Including public transit, community transit, active transportation, and electric vehicles.

Education and Awareness Project Funding – EV Charging and Clean Fuels

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: Education and awareness project funding supports projects that address gaps in awareness, knowledge and public and industry confidence in the charging of light-duty zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and/or the use and opportunities provided by clean fuels. This opportunity helps fund outreach, education, and capacity-building activities, ultimately enabling greater adoption of ZEVs and clean fuels by Canadians in all regions of the country.
Example(s): Edmonton Electric Vehicle Trade Show
Deadline: April 30th, 2025

Green Freight Program

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description:  The program will help fleets reduce their fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from on-road freight through fleet energy assessments, fleet retrofits, engine repowers, best-practice implementation and the purchase of low-carbon vehicles. There are two streams, municipal governments are listed as eligible applicants on both streams. Stream 1 of the program provides grant funding up to a maximum of $250,000 per Applicant. Stream 2 contributes up to 50% of total project costs, up to a maximum of $5 million per project. Eligible vehicles includes weight class 2B, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7 8. 
Example(s): Stream 1 includes Third-Party Fleet Energy Assessments; and/or Truck/Trailer Equipment Retrofits. Stream 2: Includes purchasing new vehicles powered by a low-carbon alternative fuel sources such as a hydrogen internal combustion engine or natural gas vehicles. Repowering existing vehicles (i.e. their engines and/or drive trains) to operate with a lower-carbon or zero-emission alternative source of fuel such as repowering an eligible diesel truck to operate on natural gas, hydrogen, or electricity. Dual-fuel options are also eligible. As well as projects implement logistical best practices.
Deadline: Fleet Modernization stream open untill June 2nd, 2025.  Assess and Retrofit stream is a continuous intake. 

Incentives for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles

Department - Organization: Transport Canada 
Description: The iMHZEV Program offers point-of-sale incentives for Canadian organizations and businesses (this includes municipalities) who buy or lease an eligible MHZEV. The incentive will be applied at the point-of-sale by the dealership or other authorized sellers such as automakers and/or vehicle finishers/distributors once they have confirmed your eligibility. As part of the eligibility verification, you will need to complete the Organization Consent Form. Once your eligibility is confirmed, you will need to complete the Incentive Received Form and then, the incentive will appear directly on the bill of sale or lease agreement of the eligible MHZEVs. 
You can search for eligible vehicles here.
Deadline: Rebates are provided on a first-come, first-served basis and will remain available until the program budget is exhausted.

Canada Public Transit Fund: Metro-Region Agreement

Department - Organization: Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada 
Description: A Metro-Region Agreement offers a new way for the Government of Canada, provinces, municipalities and other key partners, such as transit agencies and Indigenous communities to collaborate together. These agreements will encourage long-term integrated planning within large urban areas and will support a wide variety of projects, from transformational investments that build new subways and dedicated bus lines, to maintaining and sustaining the health of an existing transit system. 
Deadline: Open for EOI.

Green Municipal Fund

Department - Organization: Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada /Federation of Canadian Municipalities 
Description:  GMF is more than just a funding source—they are a full-service partner in your climate action progress. Grants and loans for all stages. Stackable with other funding sources. Dedicated staff to help you apply. Free resources to help build business cases and improve project outcomes. Grants from $100-500k for up to 50% of eligible costs, combined grant and loan to a maximum of $10M for up to 80% of eligible costs.
  • Municipal Fleet Electrification: Funding for the electrification of municipal and transit fleets to help municipalities achieve net-zero transportation emissions.
Deadline: Continuous

Electrify Nova Scotia MHZEV Rebate Program

Department - Organization: EVAssist Nova Scotia
Description: Offered through the Province of Nova Scotia, the Electrify Nova Scotia Medium and Heavy-duty Electric Vehicle Program provides rebates for the purchase or lease of qualifying MHZEVs on or after April 1st, 2024.
Deadline: Rebates are provided on a first-come, first-served basis and will remain available until the program budget is exhausted or the program is terminated.

Canada Public Transit Fund, Targeted Funding: Zero Emission Transit Fund

Department - Organization: Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada 
Description: The fund is to support the electrification of public transit, support the purchase of 5,000 zero-emission buses and build supporting infrastructure, including charging infrastructure and facility upgrades. There is a planning stream and a capital stream.
Example(s): Eligible projects include studies, modelling and feasibility analysis that will support the development of future larger-scale capital projects. Eligible capital projects include buses, charging and refuelling infrastructure, and other ancillary infrastructure needs.
Deadline: Capital and planning streams are both open.

Community Transportation Assistance Program

Department - Organization: NS Joint Regional Transportation Agency
Description: The program provides an operating grant to community transit operators in rural NS. A service is not eligible if there is already a service in the area receiving CTAP funding.
Deadline: Notify the Department of Public Works by 1 November of the previous fiscal year that you plan to apply for funding. Once a community transit operator is approved for funding under this program they continuously receive funding as long as they meet their reporting requirements. 
Contact: Community Transportation Phone: 902-719-7673

Accessible Transportation Assistance Program

Department - Organization: NS Joint Regional Transportation Agency
Description: The program is a capital grant for municipally operated accessible services. To find out how your municipality can become eligible, please contact Communtiy Transit at the Department of Public Works.
Example(s): Transit Cape Breton - Handi-Trans Service
Contact: Community Transportation Phone: 902-719-7673

Nova Scotia Transit Research Incentive Program

Department - Organization: NS Joint Regional Transportation Agency
Description: Provides funding to develop or enhance transit in underserved areas. Funding is available for 1 project per year per organization. 
Deadline: Annual intake March/April/ May
Contact: Community Transportation Phone: 902-719-7673 or 

Public Transit Assistance Program Funding

Department - Organization: NS Joint Regional Transportation Agency
Description: The Public Transit Assistance Program is a capital grant for municipalities that provide a fixed route service. 
Deadline: Annual intake March/April/ May

Mitacs Municipal Support

Department - Organization: Mitacs
Description: They offer funding (non repayable grants) and connect municipalities with post-secondary researchers for innovative projects — from affordable housing, green initiatives, transit, infrastructure, climate change — and more — to tackle your most difficult challenges and create vibrant and healthy communities.
  • Non-repayable funding from $6,000 to multi-million.
  • A custom-built research and innovation team to roadmap your project.
  • Scalable, multidisciplinary projects in all areas.
  • Academic/research team to give you the specialized knowledge and skills that you need.
  • Works with you to resolve the major challenges that Canadian municipalities face
Deadline: Continuous intake
Contact: Form on the webpage


Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: Active transportation projects that will improve connectivity within and between communities and have the potential to reduce emissions. There are three streams. 1) Capacity Building and Community Engagement, Connect2 provides grants of up to 75% to a maximum of $50,000 per project in this category. 2) Shared Mobility & Bicycle Fleets, Connect2 provides grants of up to $75,000 per project in this category. 3) Active Transportation Infrastructure and Design, Connect2 provides grants of up to 75% to a maximum of $50,000 per project in this category.
Deadline: February 14th (Annually).
Website: Connect2

Closed Funding, Next Intake TBD:

 Zero Emission Trucking Program

Department - Organization: Transport Canada
Description: The program will support municipalities to develop, modernize, and align the necessary guidelines, codes, standards and regulations to accelerate the safe deployment of zero-emission trucking in Canada. Up to $1 million per project, up to 75%.
Deadline: Closed October 3rd, 2023. Next intake TBD.

Enhanced Road Safety Transfer Payment Program

Department - Organization: Transport Canada 
Description: The program provides funding to support initiatives that contribute to a safe and secure transportation system. The ERSTPP aims to reduce road-related collisions, injuries, and fatalities, and encourage harmonization with provincial and territorial road safety initiatives through funding projects that help create nationally consistent tools that address road safety challenges. 
  • education and training, building enforcement capacity
  • collection of uniform, complete, timely road safety-related information and data
  • research activities to develop public policy development, revise non-federal safety regulations, etc.
  • development and improvement of current technology to promote a safer road transportation system
  • outreach activities, communication, cooperation, and collaboration among road safety stakeholders
Deadline: Closed February 8, 2024.

Low Carbon Communities

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Natural Resources and Renewables
Description: Projects should support low carbon solutions in one of the four following categories. The program covers 75% of total project eligible costs.
  • clean buildings (up to $75k)
  • clean electricity  (up to $75k)
  • clean transportation  (up to $75k)
  • clean energy education  (up to $50k)
Example(s): Net-Zero Design for New Affordable Housing in Musquodoboit. Electric fleet and charging infrastructure planning in Kings County.
Deadline: EOI Closed July 5th, 2024.

Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program

Department - Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Description: To install EV charging systems in public places, on-street, at workplaces and multi-unit residential buildings, as well as infrastructure for ZEV fleets. 
  • EV Chargers must be in Canada, comply with local codes, and be commercially available
  • Level 2 AC Chargers (3.3 kW to 19.2 kW): Up to $5,000 per connector
  • DC Fast Chargers (20 kW and above): Up to $100,000 per charger
Example(s): Killam Properties – Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Alberta – 438 electric vehicle chargers under construction ($731, 783).
Deadline: Closed September 19th, 2024.

Canada Public Transit Fund: Baseline Funding Stream

Department - Organization: Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada 
Description: The Baseline Funding stream focuses on funding capital and non-capital investments (i.e. planning projects) for public transit or active transportation infrastructure. Capital Plan applications will outline a community's planned use of the Baseline funding allocation over several years. Capital projects, supports up to 40% of eligible costs. Non-capital projects supports up to 80% of eligible costs.
Deadline: EOI closed September 30th, 2024.

Active Communities Fund

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: The fund supports community-wide initiatives to encourage less structured physical activity and movement. The fund aims to encourage physical activity and movement through policies, social initiatives or physical environments. Projects should target community members who are less active, or who have fewer opportunities for physical activity.
Example(s): A plan to design & implement a safe, walkable connector pathway between Glace Bay High School and the nearby shopping plaza.
Deadline: Closed December 1st, 2024. The deadline for requests above $10,000 passed in June 2024.
Contact: It is strongly recommended you contact Elisabeth Bailey, Physical Activity Consultant, to discuss eligibility and project details. You can reach Elisabeth at or 902-930-1020. 

Charged for Change

Department - Organization: Aviva Canada/Earth Day Canada
Description: Funding for EV chargers and installation. Municipalities with less than 100,000 residents can receive funding for 100% of project costs, up to $125,000. Requirements:
  • Be a recognized Canadian Municipality or Indigenous Community with less than 100,000 residents;
  • Have a higher number of residents per charging head ratio than the provincial average (available in the applicant guide)
  • Include the installation of new, permanent level 2 EV charger(s)
  • Include a minimum of four (4) charging heads
  • Increase charging opportunities locally via public charging infrastructure in any of the following areas: on-street, multi-unit residential buildings, or workplaces.
Deadline: Closed February 20th, 2025.
Information Session(s):  Recorded session on YouTube 

Canada Public Transit Fund, Targeted Funding: Active Transportation Fund

Department - Organization: Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada 
Description: The fund invests in projects that build new and expanded networks of pathways, bike lanes, trails and pedestrian bridges, in addition to supporting active transportation planning and stakeholder engagement activities.
Deadline: Closed February 26, 2025 

Canada Public Transit Fund, Targeted Funding: Rural Transit Solutions Fund

Department - Organization: Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada 
Description: This fund supports locally-driven transit solutions for rural and remote communities, with flexibility for different local transit system innovations including fixed routes, on-demand services, ride-shares, micromobility services, such as e-bikes.
Eligible organizations with at least two years of transit experience, inclincludinguding local governments working in partnership with experienced transit organizations, or a completed public transit feasibility study (dated after January 1, 2020) can apply for a federal contribution of up to $10 million.
Organizations with less than two years of experience and no recent feasibility study may still qualify for up to $250,000 in federal funding. This funding helps cover the cost of capital assets, which includes purchasing vehicles and supporting infrastructure (e.g., bus stops and charging stations) for a transit system. 
Deadline: Both streams have now closed.

If you can't find a grant that suits your municipality's needs, please reach out. Similarly, if your municipality is applying to any of the listed opportunities, I am readily available to provide assistance throughout the application process.

Lucy MacLeod

Lucy MacLeod,
Fund Navigator