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Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund 

Department - Organization: Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada
Description: Eligible projects include planning or capital projects that would build or upgrade drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, or solid-waste infrastructure to enable more housing. 
Two streams, 1) Direct delivery stream 2) Provincial and territorial agreement stream. Eligible applicants can apply to either stream, or both streams, depending on their infrastructure needs. However, applicants cannot receive funding from both streams for the same project. The direct delivery stream is intended for projects with a high level of readiness to be completed by 2031. Applicants seeking support for long-term infrastructure projects that enable housing are encouraged to apply under the provincial and territorial agreement stream.
Deadline: Projects may be pulled for assessment at various times during the intake period, with projects being recommended for approval prior to the intake closing on March 31, 2025, at 15:00, Eastern Time. 


Department - Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Description: Projects should contribute to improving freshwater quality through actions that reduce harmful substances in fresh water and/or restore and protect freshwater ecosystem health.
  • Stream 1, Community-led Freshwater Action across Canada. Municipalities are ineligible for this stream but are encouraged to partner with non-profit and non-governmental groups and organizations to support a project proposal.
  • Stream 2, Freshwater Sustainability and Innovation across Canada.
Deadline: Stream 1: March 25, 2025. Stream 2: April 10th, 2025.
Website: EcoAction

Provincial Capital Assistance Program (PCAP)

Department - Organization: Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: A fund for municipal projects designed to eliminate serious environmental and health problems. The program supports investment in high-priority municipal infrastructure projects. You need to use the funding for municipally owned infrastructure projects like water supply, sewage disposal, and solid waste management. Projects that reduce or eliminate actual and potential environmental and health problems in the municipality are given priority. Priority is also given to projects that include collaborating with multiple municipalities or have beneficial impacts on larger populations
Example Project: Stormwater management study, landfill decommission project
Deadline: April 28th, 2025

Municipal Innovation Program 

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: MIP supports innovative approaches to regional municipal services, improvements to municipal capacities, and promotion of effective intermunicipal relations to support regional economic development, regional planning, and intermunicipal collaboration. This program is for joint applications requiring at least 2 municipalities.
Deadline: April 28th, 2025

Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation (under GMF)

Department - Organization: Federation of Canadian Municipalities 
Description:  GMF’s Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation (LLCA) initiative provides funding and skills development support to local governments to adapt and build long-term resiliency to the impacts of climate change. By 2031, this $530M initiative will fund more than 1,400 municipal activities. 
  • Climate-Ready Plans and Processes – Integration of equitable and inclusive climate resilience into municipal plans, processes and management systems, such as asset management systems planning. Up to a maximum of $140,000. Available in 2025.
  • Adaptation in Action – Increased implementation of equitable climate adaptation action taken by Canadian municipalities. Spring/Summer 2025.
  • Financing Adaptation – Increase in new financing models utilized/leveraged by Canadian municipalities to finance climate adaptation capital projects. Fall 2025.
  • Capacity Development Partner Grants – funds partners to design and deliver training that will help local governments advance their climate adaptation knowledge and technical skills. Closed August 7th.
Deadline: See above.

Green Municipal Fund

Department - Organization: Infrastructure Canada/Federation of Canadian Municipalities 
Description:  GMF is more than just a funding source—they are a full-service partner in your climate action progress. Grants and loans for all stages. Stackable with other funding sources. Dedicated staff to help you apply. Free resources to help build business cases and improve project outcomes. Grants from $100-500k for up to 50% of eligible costs, combined grant and loan to a maximum of $10M for up to 80% of eligible costs.
Generally requires GHG reductions. If your water or wastewater retrofit increases efficiency, the project may be eligible.
Deadline: Continuous

Mitacs Municipal Support

Department - Organization: Mitacs
Description: They offer funding (non repayable grants) and connect municipalities with post-secondary researchers for innovative projects — from affordable housing, green initiatives, transit, infrastructure, climate change — and more — to tackle your most difficult challenges and create vibrant and healthy communities.
  • Non-repayable funding from $6,000 to multi-million.
  • A custom-built research and innovation team to roadmap your project.
  • Scalable, multidisciplinary projects in all areas.
  • Academic/research team to give you the specialized knowledge and skills that you need.
  • Works with you to resolve the major challenges that Canadian municipalities face
  • In a joint project with the University of Victoria, the City of Vancouver increased its capacity to deploy green rainwater infrastructure and demonstrate benefits to residents and businesses alike.
Deadline: Continuous intake
Contact: Form on the webpage

Innovative Communities Fund

Department - Organization: Atlantic Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
Description: The fund is for economic development projects and initiatives that lead to long-term employment and a stronger local economy. The fund enables communities to: develop thriving industry sectors, strengthen infrastructure in rural areas, invest in projects to help communities overcome economic issues and take advantage of new opportunities.
Example(s): Expansion of municipal services can be eligible if it is linked to economic development in the private sector.
Deadline: Continuous intake

Currently Closed. Next intake TBD:

Sustainable Development Goals Program

Department - Organization: Employment and Social Development Canada 
Description: In September 2015, Canada and 192 other UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda is a 15-year global framework centred on an ambitious set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This includes areas applicable to municipalities, such as sustainable cities and communities, decent work and economic growth, clean water and sanitation,
There are two streams to the funding program, 1) Grants, and 2) Contributions.
 The Grants stream of this Call for Proposals will fund projects that increase public awareness, and share best practices or lessons learned that support and enhance Canada’s progress on the 2030 Agenda, particularly within equity-deserving groups and groups or individuals in vulnerable situations. Up to $200,000 for a project that is up to 24 months (maximum $100,000 per fiscal year). 
The Contributions stream of this Call for Proposals will fund projects that aim to localize SDGs in communities. Funded projects will adapt, employ, and monitor the progress of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the local level and will measure and report on the SDGs.  Up to $900,000 for a project that is up to 36 months (maximum $300,000 per fiscal year)
Example: London Environmental Institute- This project educates businesses about their impact on the SDGs. It guides them on energy, waste and water usage, and helps them set targets. It includes educational events and forums on SDGs linking to business sustainability. It invites business leaders and employees across Southwestern Ontario to learn from experts.
Deadline:  Closed January 12, 2024.

Low Carbon Economy Fund - Low Carbon Economy Challenge

Department - Organization: Environment and Natural Resources Canada
Description: The Low Carbon Economy Challenge is part of the Low Carbon Economy Fund. Projects must result in greenhouse gas emissions reductions in 2030 and must align with Canada’s goals for net-zero emissions by 2050. Projects for municipalities could include waste diversion, and biomass retrofits (wastewater). Applicants can request between $1 million and $25 million in funding for eligible project expenditures, with cost-sharing of 50% of total project costs for municipalities. Self-Screening Tool for understanding project eligibility and competitiveness. To access the tool, please send an email to
Deadline: Closed February 8th, 2024.

Housing Accelerator Fund 

Department - Organization: Canadian Mortgage and Housing Association
Description: New funding is available for previous applicants only.
The Housing Accelerator Fund provides incentive funding to local governments encouraging initiatives aimed at increasing housing supply. It also supports the development of complete, low-carbon and climate-resilient communities that are affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse. HAF rewards applications that drive change within the local government's control. This can involve making changes to land use planning and development approvals processes, such as amending bylaws or implementing programs that expedite housing permits in both the short and long term. A list of example initiatives can be found in the pre-application material on the website.
Deadline: Closed September 13th, 2024.

Growth and Renewal for Infrastructure Development Program

Department - Organization: Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: The program supports municipal infrastructure projects that address critical capacity issues, build more accessible and adaptable communities and preserve and expand services for housing.
  • water, wastewater and stormwater
  • accessibility
  • climate change adaptation
Deadline: Closed December 13th, 2024. Will re-open annually, date TBD.

If you can't find a grant that suits your municipality's needs, please reach out. Similarly, if your municipality is applying to any of the listed opportunities, I am readily available to provide assistance throughout the application process.

Lucy MacLeod

Lucy MacLeod,
Fund Navigator