Such as trails, physical activity promotion, recreation programming and capital, active transportation, accessibility, healthy eating, seniors, and healthcare recruitment.
Telus Community Board Grants
Department - Organization: Telus Friendly Future Foundation
Description: Municipalities can apply for grants that support local, grassroots community-based health and education programs that help youth reach their full potential. One funding application per year, up to $20,000 per year.
Deadline: April 11th, October 3rd, 2025.
Jumpstart Community Development Grants
Department - Organization: Canadian Tire
Description: To help municipalities develop or sustain sports and recreation programming for kids between the ages of 4-18 in financial need or youth with disabilities between the ages of 4-25. The grant is meant to help organizations develop or sustain the delivery of sport or physical activity-based programs. Or build their capacity to provide more inclusive, equitable, safe sports participant experiences.
Deadline: May 30th, 2025. Apply approximately 3-6 months before the program starts. 3 intakes a year.
AMANS Municipal Wellness Grants
Department - Organization: Association of Municipal Administrators Nova Scotia
Description: The Municipal Wellness Grants Program funds projects that promote workplace wellness for municipal employees and elected officials, through new initiatives, for example: activities, events, projects, or enhancements to existing initiatives. These grants are only available to municipalities participating in the NSFM Group Benefits program.
- Benefits to municipal employees - up to $3000
- Benefits to municipal employees and elected officials - up to $4000
Deadline: March 31st, 2025, 4:30 pm
Provincial Capital Assistance Program (PCAP)
Department - Organization: Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: A fund for municipal projects designed to eliminate serious environmental and health problems. The program supports investment in high-priority municipal infrastructure projects. You need to use the funding for municipally owned infrastructure projects like water supply, sewage disposal, and solid waste management. Projects that reduce or eliminate actual and potential environmental and health problems in the municipality are given priority. Priority is also given to projects that include collaborating with multiple municipalities or have beneficial impacts for larger populations.
Example(s): Stormwater management study, landfill decommission project
Deadline: April 28th, 2025
Community Health Boards Wellness Funds
Department - Organization: Nova Scotia Health, Community Health Boards
Description: Wellness Funds are for groups working to improve health in their communities and must address the health priorities identified by the Community Health Boards (CHBs) in their current community health plan. Wellness Funds support a health promotion or population health-based approach to wellness. This model seeks to maintain and improve the health of people and the communities in which they live through partnerships, and by addressing those aspects of a person’s life that determine their health. Wellness Funds are intended to support the implementation of the CHB Community Health Plan recommendations by funding local community projects that use a population health approach, addressing the Social Determinants of Health, such as income, education, social supports, early childhood development, etc.
Example(s): Varies largely: youth theatre project, fitness equipment.
Deadline: April 30th, 2025
Jays Care Programs – Local Governments
Department - Organization: Jays Care Foundation
Description: This is an inclusion-focused baseball/softball for development program. This is offered to Canadian Local Governments offering programs for children and youth facing barriers. The aim is to use baseball or softball as a tool to enhance connection, belonging, and access to sport opportunities to kids most often sitting on the sidelines. Your community can apply to receive free training and equipment.
Deadline: Open
Active Communities Fund
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: The fund supports community-wide initiatives to encourage less structured physical activity and movement. The fund aims to encourage physical activity and movement through policies, social initiatives or physical environments. Projects should target community members who are less active, or who have fewer opportunities for physical activity.
Example(s): A plan to design & implement a safe, walkable connector pathway between Glace Bay High School and the nearby shopping plaza.
Deadline: Annual intake. April 1st to December 1st, 2024.
Planning Assistance Program
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: The program assists community organizations and municipalities in obtaining professional assistance in planning, designing and researching proposed and existing sport and recreation facilities. Funding is available for up to 50 percent of the total cost of the project to a maximum of $10,000.
Example(s): General facility planning including needs assessments, feasibility studies, master plans and facility operation plans. Schematic Design for new or renovated facilities and landscaping. Schematic design illustrates the scale and character of a project showing how the parts of the project relate to each other. This work includes preliminary cost estimates. The preparation of detailed design or construction documents is eligible under the main capital program and therefore not eligible. Building Audits forecast the replacement of building components by professional consultants and result in the development of a Life Cycle Plan for a facility. Research involves projects which have province-wide application e.g., exploring/testing alternative energy sources, maintenance strategies or usage.
Deadline: Annual intake. April 1st - December 1st or until the program is 100% committed.
Recreation Community Development Grant
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: The Recreation Community Development Grant is designed to support activities and initiatives that respond to the recreation and physical activity goals and priorities of communities and the Shared Strategy for Recreation in Nova Scotia: Active Living, Inclusion and Access, Connecting People and Nature, Supportive Environments, and Capacity Development.
Example(s): Leadership Education and Capacity Development. Marketing and Awareness Campaigns. Organizational and Partnership Development. Program or Policy Development and Implementation. Resource Development, Planning and Evaluation.
Deadline: Annual intake. April 1st- December 1st, or until 100% committed. Apply early in the fiscal year to avoid disappointment.
Community Recreation Capital Grant
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: This program is suitable for projects with a total value up to $30,000. This capital grant is cost-shared with the applicant which means the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage could contribute up to one-third of the total project cost to a maximum of $8,000 and the applicant would contribute two-thirds including financial matching and donated labor or materials. REMINDER: The capital application requires demonstration of competitive and accurate price estimates, commonly through multiple quotes. You are encouraged to apply early in the fiscal year. A complete application, with all supporting documents, including confirmed funders (two-third contribution) at the time of submitting, is encouraged.
Deadline: Annual intake. April 1st - December 1st or until the grant program is 100% committed.
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation Grant
Department - Organization: TD Bank
Description: The Foundation supports a wide range of environmental initiatives, with a primary focus on environmental education and green space programs. States that municipalities are eligible.
Example(s): Eligible projects include park revitalization, community gardens, park programming and citizen science initiatives.
Deadline: July 15th. January 15th
Local Food Infrastructure Fund
Department - Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Description: The fund aims to support locally-driven projects that will help improve community food security through the purchase and installation of infrastructure/equipment that will increase access to local, nutritious and culturally appropriate food. Priority will be given to projects that predominantly serve equity-deserving group.
- Small Scale Projects: funding between $25,000 and $100,000 up to 100% of project costs. Supports projects that aim to address local food security priorities through the purchase and installation of one or a few pieces of infrastructure/equipment
- Large Scale Projects: funding between $150,000 and $500,000, up to 100% of project costs. Supports projects with multiple infrastructure/equipment needs and partnerships to address community food security in a more comprehensive manner. Projects must include a production element and at least two partnerships.
Deadline: Small Scale Projects: Coming Fall 2025. Large Scale Projects: Closed February, 2025.
Smoke-Free Outdoor Spaces Signage Grant Fund
Department - Organization: Smoke-Free Nova Scotia
Description: The fund is intended to support communities which have already established smoke-free outdoor spaces by assisting with the cost of signage, as well as awareness and enforcement. This is a limited, one-time funding opportunity. Grants as high as $2,000 may be awarded.
Deadline: Continuous intake
Rink Efficiency
Department - Organization: Efficiency Nova Scotia
Description: Through the program, municipalities can improve their rink or arena’s energy efficiency. This will not only improve conditions for customers, it will result in cost savings that can be reinvested in other ways. There are programs for retrofits, optimization, and rebates. You can inquire about your project idea on their website, and they will get back to you within two business days.
Deadline: Continuous intake
Contact: Use the contact form on the website.
Trail Engineering Assistance Grant Program
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: The program is designed to provide trail builders and managers with a source of funding to help them hire engineering expertise when it is required. The program provides funding to municipalities for hiring engineers when building, maintaining, and supporting multi-use trails and non-motorized single-use to help ensure Nova Scotia’s trails are both safe for trail users and environmentally sound. Applicants are encouraged to contribute to the overall cost of the initiative. The contribution level required depends on the need and the ability of the applicant to contribute.
Example(s): Inspection and assessment of existing trail structures. Components of planning requiring an engineer (i.e. site plan for a bridge). Design of trail components which must be engineered to a specific standard. Rehabilitation plans.
Deadline: Continuous intake.
Mitacs Municipal Support
Department - Organization: Mitacs
Description: They offer funding (non repayable grants) and connect municipalities with post-secondary researchers for innovative projects — from affordable housing, green initiatives, transit, infrastructure, climate change — and more — to tackle your most difficult challenges and create vibrant and healthy communities.
- Non-repayable funding from $6,000 to multi-million.
- A custom-built research and innovation team to roadmap your project.
- Scalable, multidisciplinary projects in all areas.
- Academic/research team to give you the specialized knowledge and skills that you need.
- Works with you to resolve the major challenges that Canadian municipalities face
Deadline: Continuous intake
Contact: Form on the webpage
Max Bell Foundation Grants
Department - Organization: Max Bell Foundation
Description: Max Bell Foundation makes grants to support projects that are designed to inform public policy. They do so across four program areas: Education; Environment; Health & Wellness; and Civic Engagement and Democratic Institutions. A typical project supported by Max Bell Foundation ranges from 1-3 years in duration and has a budget that ranges from approximately $10,000 to $200,000. Max Bell Foundation is often the only financial supporter of projects they fund. Not for building or service delivery, it is for projects that inform public policy. You can view previous grants awarded here:
Deadline: Continuous intake
Sport Fund
Department - Organization: Sport Nova Scotia
Description: Sport Fund focuses on community sport support. The goal of the fund is to support quality, sustainable programming, either by providing funds to help organizations create new programs, or to expand and/or enhance current programs to provide more opportunities for Nova Scotians to take part in sport. The maximum allocation amount for a Sport Fund application is $5000 and Sport Fund does not support 100% of the cost of any initiative.
Deadline: 6 times a year, see website.
Contact: Regional contacts on Page 8 of the reference guide.
The McLean Foundation Grant
Department - Organization: The McLean Foundation
Description: They endeavour to maintain a flexible policy, with particular emphasis on projects showing promise of general social benefit but which may initially lack broad public appeal. Normally in the areas of social welfare, education, environmental conservation and the arts.
Deadline: Continuous intake
R. Howard Webster Foundation
Department - Organization: R. Howard Webster Foundation
Description: The R. Howard Webster Foundation makes grants to outstanding Canadian charitable organizations offering unique and inspiring programs or projects for the benefit, improvement and development of Canadian society. The R. Howard Webster Foundation’s funding interests are within the areas of Arts & Culture, Education, Environment, Medical, and Social Services.
Example(s): Does not fund capital projects. Previous grantees can be viewed on their website.
Deadline: Continuous intake
Farm Credit Canada Community Fund
Department - Organization: Farm Credit Canada
Description: FCC Community Funding is to help enhance communities. Eligible organizations can apply for up to $10,000 in FCC Community Funding annually and applications are accepted year-round.
Deadline: Continuous intake
McConnell Foundation Grants
Department - Organization: The McConnell Foundation
Description: The McConnell Foundation funds three areas; community, reconciliation, and climate. They fund a wide variety of projects and understand that applying for funding can take a lot of time and resources. Therefore, have designed a two-stage process meant to minimize the time required. Stage 1 consists of selecting the focus area your initiative is most aligned with, and submitting a short-form application.
- Community: spaces of collaboration and policy change that address barriers to social and economic inclusion
- Reconciliation: projects that allow communities to contribute to a reconciliation economy in relationship with both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
- Climate: climate mitigation solutions.
Deadline: Continuous
Example(s): There is a database of previously funded projects, view it
here. For example, funding to contribute to Community Connectors to run a series of community conversations over the next two years, to surface key issues, identify solutions, form natural support groups and disseminate community insights with mainstream organizations to influence systems change.
Medavie Foundation
Department - Organization: Medavie Blue Cross
Description: Invests in community initiatives and organizations that improve the well-being of Canadians, focusing on some of the most pressing mental and physical health challenges facing Canadians: Healthy Living is the main stream applicable to municipalities. Partnering with community-led organizations for the application is recommended/ encouraged.
Example(s): Dartmouth's North Grove Community Food Centre is featured
Deadline: open for applications.
Community ACCESS-Ability Program
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: This program offers cost-shared grants to community groups for accessibility-related capital improvements. The grants may cover up to two-thirds of the direct and
indirect costs of renovations, installations, and/or equipment. The sponsoring organization must raise at least one-third of the funding from other sources. Organizations can receive funding for one project per year under the program.
Example(s): Ramps, power door operators, accessible doors, and levered handles. Barrier-free washrooms. Elevators lifts, and other mobility assistive devices. Audio signals and loops and lighting/colour contrasting for the visually impaired. Accessible portion of community playgrounds.
Deadline: February 14th (annually).
Information Session(s): Please email to get the Zoom link. Please indicate which session you would like to attend and how many from your group will be attending. January 10th, 2025 – 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Recreation Facility Development Grant/ Rink Revitalization Program
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: This program assists community groups and municipalities in developing or upgrading facilities to increase public participation in sport and physical recreation. Projects approved for funding are eligible to receive up to one-third of the total capital cost of the project to a maximum of $150,000. The rink revitalization program is under this program. The program can assist municipalities that operate rinks to invest in the revitalization or upgrading of capital infrastructure to support the sustainability of the facility. Rinks include curling clubs and arenas as well as outdoor rinks of a permanent nature. The rink must be open to all members of the public at reasonable times and at a reasonable rate.
Example(s): Recreation centres and halls, pools, arenas, athletic fields, parks playgrounds and trails. Enhanced schools for community use. Purchase of large permanent furnishings and equipment integral to the functioning/operation of a facility. (i.e. soccer goals, ice re-surfacer, ice plant components). Construction of community centres, pools, rinks, athletic fields, parks, playgrounds, and enhancements to schools for community use and other recreation facilities that promote active living. Capital conservation work involving repair and/or replacement needs of any major components directly related to a facility’s structural or operational integrity.
Deadline: February 14th (Annually).
Information Session(s): Please email to get the Zoom link. Please indicate which session you would like to attend and how many from your group will be attending. January 10th, 2025 – 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Community Facility Improvement Program
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: Not for municipally owned community centers, please share widely within your municipality. Aids in repairs and upgrades to community facilities open for public use, such as community halls.
Deadline: February 14th (Annually).
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: Active transportation projects that will improve connectivity within and between communities and have the potential to reduce emissions. There are three streams. 1) Capacity Building and Community Engagement, Connect2 provides grants of up to 75% to a maximum of $50,000 per project in this category. 2) Shared Mobility & Bicycle Fleets, Connect2 provides grants of up to $75,000 per project in this category. 3) Active Transportation Infrastructure and Design, Connect2 provides grants of up to 75% to a maximum of $50,000 per project in this category.
Deadline: February 14th (Annually).
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Grant Program
Department - Organization: Recreation Facility Association of Nova Scotia
Description: The goal of this program is to increase the number of AEDs installed in sport and recreation facilities in Nova Scotia. Through this grant program owners or managing partners of sport and recreation facilities can be eligible to receive up to 1/2 the total cost of the purchase of an AED or replacement batteries or pads for AEDs purchased through the program (taxes Included) to a maximum of $1,500.00. RFANS does not recommend a particular AED brand, manufacturer, or distributor. They encourage anyone considering purchasing an AED to contact several providers to determine their facilities specific needs
Deadline: February 15th (Annually)
Currently Closed, Next Intake TBD:
Farm Credit Canada AgriSpirit Fund
Department - Organization: Farm Credit Canada
Description: The fund supports rural communities under 150,000 people across Canada with funding for capital projects that enrich the lives of community residents. $1.5 million distributed annually.
Example Project: Refrigeration and equipment to support food waste reduction and recovery. Construction of or upgrades to community buildings. Renovations or upgrades that reduce a building’s energy footprint. Initiatives that support agriculture and food.
Deadline: Applications will open in April 2025.
Reciprocity Health Fund
Department - Organization: Community Foundation of Nova Scotia
Description: The Fund will support preventative, community-based, health projects rooted in an understanding of the social determinants of health. Projects should take place in Shelburne, Yarmouth or Digby Counties and must be led by a qualified donee (registered charity, municipality, post-secondary institution, etc.). Proposed projects should focus on improved population health and reduced health inequities. Applicants must demonstrate how their proposal aligns with these objectives in their application.
Deadline: Closed May, 2023. Next intake TBD.
Accessible Transportation Assistance Program
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Public Works
Description: The program is a capital grant for municipally operated accessible services. To find out how your municipality can become eligible, please contact Gregory Sewell. Applications are mailed directly to the applicants.
Example(s): Transit Cape Breton - Handi-Trans Service
Deadline: Closed April 2023, next intake TBD.
Substance Use and Addictions Program
Department - Organization: Health Canada
Description: The program provides time-limited funding for a wide range of innovative and evidence-informed projects including substance use prevention, harm reduction and treatment initiatives across the country. Projects target a range of substances, including opioids, stimulants, cannabis, alcohol, nicotine and tobacco, at the community, regional and national levels.
Example(s): Cape Breton Association of People Empowering Drug Users (CAPED): This project will engage with people with lived and living experience (PWLLE) of substance use in Sydney, and the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Community partners will be offered capacity building training to reduce stigma, and PWLLE of substance use will participate in training programs to acquire the skills needed for employment in the substance use sector as peer support workers. Project duration: May 16, 2022 to September 30, 2023. ($492,229).
Deadline: Closed November 22nd, 2023. Next intake TBD
Community Trails Leadership Fund
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: The grant supports the trail development community in Nova Scotia through the provision of funds for leadership, organizational development, and capacity building. The fund will help organizations offer training and educational opportunities for volunteers and the trail professionals who support them. It also helps the organizations acquire the expertise needed for specific aspects of trail projects. Applicants are expected to contribute at least fifty percent (50%) of the overall cost of the initiative, inclusive of contributions obtained from other sources (financial and in-kind). Applicants unable to contribute the expected amount (50% of overall cost) are encouraged to discuss their proposed initiative and financial situation with their local Regional Manager and/or CCTH Trails Consultant
Deadline: Program under review.
Municipal Capital Growth Program
Department - Organization: Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: The program supports investment in municipal infrastructure projects. Municipalities and villages can apply for funding from the Municipal Capital Growth Program to help reduce the cost of infrastructure projects that support the province’s growing population.
Example(s): Accessibility: Capital projects are required to comply with the Accessibility Act. Projects supported by accessibility plans. Accessibility improvements to municipal infrastructure including sidewalks and active Transportation (excluding Fleet).
Deadline: Closed on December 13th, 2023
Department - Organization: Innoweave/ McConnell Family Foundation
Description: Innoweave helps organizations implement social innovation with personalized coaching. Innoweave teaches the organization to implement these changes itself, taking a coaching method rather than a consultation approach. They offer funding three times a year through a competitive process, funding 2/3 of organizations (up to $10,000). With a large network of experienced coaches, they guide areas like policy engagement, scaling impact, developmental evaluation, and impact measurement. To better understand the program, please watch the “
Introduction to Innoweave” video.
Deadline: Closed April 26th, 2024
Canada's Most Active Community
Department - Organization: ParticiACTION
Description: The goal of the Challenge is to get Canadians moving with others (virtually or in-person) in their community. From walking to the grocery store to backyard spring cleaning to running, biking, dancing, and more. Individuals are encouraged to track their personal physical activity and/or the physical activity of groups and organizations they belong to in their community (the “Move Minutes”). The more Move Minutes that individuals and organizations track during the Challenge Period the better chance their Community (the “Participant”) has to win a prize in the Challenge. The community can win $100,000, or another small prize.
Example(s): Salisbury, New Brunswick won $100,000 last year!
Deadline: Closed June, 2024
Equitable Access to Reading Program
Department - Organization: Employment and Social Development Canada
Description: This funding opportunity aims to increase the production of alternate format reading materials for persons with print disabilities. Up to $6,000,000 per project. Municipal libraires are elgible.
Deadline: Closed June 19th, 2024.
National AccessAbility Week Funding
Department - Organization: Employment and Social Development Canada
Description: It will fund projects that improve understanding and knowledge of Canadians on accessibility and disability inclusion, reduce stigma and attitudinal barriers towards persons with disabilities, and share best practices and lessons learned related to NAAW activities within the disability community. Up to $100,000 or $200,000 (with special requirements) for a project that is up to 2 years.
Deadline: Closed July 17th, 2024
Enabling Accessibility Fund
Department - Organization: Employment and Social Development Canada
Description: This funding opportunity aims to make communities and workplaces across Canada more accessible for persons with disabilities. It will fund new construction, renovation and/or retrofit activities that will contribute to reducing waitlists for persons with disabilities to access programs, services and/or support.
Deadline: Closed July 23rd for Small Projects.
Intersectoral Action Fund
Department - Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Description: seeking proposals for upstream community-based projects that integrate health, equity and wellbeing considerations into local decision-making, and that promote positive change. The application to the Fund is a 2-stage process: the Advanced Screening Form (first stage) and the Full Application (second stage). Interested parties must request a copy of the Advanced Screening Form as directed on the
Apply for the Fund web page. Apply for funding between $25,000 and $250,000 per project for up to a maximum of 24 months.
Deadline: The deadline to submit the Advanced Screening Form was July 25th 2024.
New Horizons for Seniors Program- Community-Based Projects
Department - Organization: Employment and Social Development Canada
Description: The community-based stream of the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) is a federal grant that supports community-based projects that are designed by seniors for seniors. This program funds projects that empower seniors in their communities and contribute to improving their health and well-being. Municipalities can apply for up to $25,000 for projects that are led by seniors and are volunteer-based.
Deadline: Closed September 12, 2024.
Department - Organization: Canada Race Relations Foundation
- Project Grants: Looks to fund projects that align with the following themes: A) Systemic racial barriers B) Research and education C) Public awareness. Funding available for any proposed project can range from a minimum of $25,000 to a maximum of $125,000.
- Event and Youth Initiative Grants: Events are community-based, planned public, social, and/or learning occasions and activities relating to the themes and objectives of the National Anti-Racism Fund. Youth Initiatives are projects that are youth-led or focused on youth. Youth are defined as persons under the age of 30. Available funding is a maximum of $10,000.
Deadline: Project Grants EOI closed October 31st, 2024. Event and Youth Initiative Grants closed July 31st, 2024.
Age-Friendly Communities Grant Program
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Seniors and Long-term Care
Description: This grant provides funding up to $25,000 for projects that help older Nova Scotians stay active, healthy and engaged in their communities. Two categories 1) Planning – developing solutions with the community to address the persistent challenges of supporting older adults in their homes 2) Projects – may focus on physical activity, mobility, and nutrition, reducing social isolation and strengthening social connections, providing non-medical support at home or in the community, helping to improve digital skills.
Example(s): See the grant guidelines for project examples.
Example(s): Municipality of the County of Colchester - Recreation Services, Indoor Community Walking for Older Adults: the Municipality of Colchester is partnering with the community of Five Island to provide a safe welcoming environment for older adult residents to walk.
Deadline: Closed November 1st, 2024.
Emergency Treatment Fund
Department - Organization: NS
Description: The primary priority for the fund is to address urgencies related to the overdose crisis, as applied to an individual community's context. All proposals should include supporting evidence that describes the urgency of the situation in their community and why it is important to carry out the project quickly.
- harm reduction and overdose prevention supports, including training, drug checking and naloxone distribution
- cultural and community programing (for example, on-the-land healing)
- certain capital costs (for example, the purchase of vehicles and building upgrades)
- outreach activities, including support for mobile response teams, crisis counsellors, knowledge keepers or other Indigenous professionals
- recovery support
Deadline: Closed November 8, 2024, at 3:00 pm AST.
Infectious Disease and Climate Change Fund
Department - Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada
Description: The fund is looking to address the impact of climate change on human health. There are two streams. Funds will be disbursed through a combination of single-year or multi-year funding agreements. Multi-year projects are not to exceed 3 years and a maximum of $300,000 per year of funding.
Stream 1: Building capacity and resiliency of Indigenous Peoples on climate-sensitive infectious diseases and health with projects developed by and with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples (distinctions-based approach)
Stream 2: Mobilizing evidence and raising awareness to take action. This priority focuses on leveraging the current understanding on climate-sensitive infectious diseases to raise awareness and address the knowledge to action gap at the local, regional and national levels and among key populations (for example, population groups facing disproportionate risk due to existing inequities).
Deadline: Closed November 28, 2024 at 3:00 pm EST.
Growth and Renewal for Infrastructure Development Program
Department - Organization: Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: The program supports municipal infrastructure projects that address critical capacity issues, build more accessible and adaptable communities and preserve and expand services for housing.
- water, wastewater and stormwater
- accessibility
- climate change adaptation
Deadline: Closed December 13th, 2024
CSA Hockey Helmet Program
Department - Organization: Recreation Facility Association of Nova Scotia
Description: Through the CSA Hockey Helmet Program, local arenas can order affordable, CSA-approved hockey helmets to provide proper protective gear for public skating, school skates and employee safety. Participating facilities can purchase CSA hockey helmets for $10.00 each or $24.00 each for helmets with a face shield. A maximum of 20 helmets per application (one application per facility per year) can be purchased as there are a limited number of helmets available.
Deadline: Closed December 20th, 2024
Recreation Trail Expansion Grant Program and Off-Highway Infrastructure Fund
Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: The Trail Expansion Program is to assist municipalities and not-for-profit organizations in developing new recreational trails, expanding recreational trails, and making capital upgrades to existing trails in order to increase opportunities for Nova Scotians to recreate in the outdoors, connect with nature and to get moving which respond to the goals of the Shared Strategy for Trails in Nova Scotia. Projects eligible to apply for up to 2/3 of total capital costs to a maximum of $150,000
The Off-Highway Infrastructure Fund (OHV) is designed to provide funding for OHV trail and riding area development, support the planning and design associated with these facilities, and help maintain OHV accessible infrastructure. Projects approved for funding are eligible to receive up to 50% of the total project cost, usually not to exceed $50,000 in one fiscal year.
You can now apply for both funding streams in one go through the Expression of Interest process
Deadline: Closed February 1, 2025.
ParticipACTION Community Challenge Grant Program
Department - Organization: ParticipACTION
Description: ParticipACTION will be providing grants of up to $1,500 to community organizations to help them promote and deliver sport and physical activity opportunities to equity-denied populations, in particular, Black, Indigenous, racialized, 2SLGBTQQIA+, persons with a disability, low-income populations and newcomers to Canada.
Deadline: Closed February 11th, 2025
Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment- Community Fund
Department - Organization: NS Government: The Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment
Description: Apply for funding to support community-led recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals. You need to use the funding for community projects like planning, recruitment and retention efforts of healthcare professionals. Helping reduce social and cultural barriers that may impact the recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals. Creating a welcoming environment for healthcare professionals. The Community Identified Projects Stream may fund up to $75,000 of eligible costs for each organization’s projects. The Community Readiness Supports Stream may fund up to $25,000 of eligible costs for each organization’s projects.
Example(s): Healthcare worker recognition events, online support tools, marketing videos, community garden.
Deadline: Closed February 21st, 2025.
Canada Public Transit Fund, Targeted Funding: Active Transportation Fund
Department - Organization: Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada
Description: The fund invests in projects that build new and expanded networks of pathways, bike lanes, trails and pedestrian bridges, in addition to supporting active transportation planning and stakeholder engagement activities.
Kal's RePlay Fund
Department - Organization: Kal's Tire
Description: Since 2019, Kal Tire has supported recycling millions of pounds of scrap tires to build inclusive playgrounds, accessible public spaces, durable roofing products, sanitary flooring, and so much more. Kal’s RePlay Fund is open to all non-profits, municipalities, First Nations and school boards that are improving community infrastructure with recycled rubber products.
Kal Tires also has a Tires for Good program for charirties and non-profits (muncipalities not elgible). Recipients receive a Kal Tire gift certificate that can be used: to purchase and install four new passenger or light truck tires for your operational vehicle. Please share with communtiy organizatins in your consitutiency.
Deadline: Closed February 28th, 2025.
Canada Post Community Foundation
Department - Organization: Canada Post
Description: The Canada Post Community Foundation provides grants to small municipalities. The project should make a difference in the lives of children and youth (up to age 21). Eligible projects should increase the capacity of an organization and create or expand services, rather than maintaining existing services. For example, purchasing new equipment or launching new programs. Project grants are available for projects valued at up to $25,000 each.
Example(s): Playground equipment and upgrades to parks, library supplies, chrome books and other electronics, musical instruments, art supplies, sporting goods (balls, hockey sticks, curling brooms, etc.), sporting facility improvements (pools, ice rinks, skateboard parks, climbing walls, etc.), special needs supplies and adaptive equipment (autism room supplies, modified sporting equipment for children with special needs, etc.)
Deadline: Closed February 28th, 2025.
If you can't find a grant that suits your municipality's needs, please reach out. Similarly, if your municipality is applying to any of the listed opportunities, I am readily available to provide assistance throughout the application process.

Lucy MacLeod,
Fund Navigator