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Our Public Safety Advisory Committee handles issues concerning policing services, fire prevention, and emergency response. Ensuring indispensable services while managing costs.

Committee Members:
  • Fraser Patterson (Chair), Councillor Municipality of Victoria County
  • David Mitchell, Mayor Town of Bridgewater
  • James Fuller, Deputy Warden District of St. Mary's
  • Andy Thompson, Councillor Pictou County
  • Christine Blair, Mayor Colchester County
  • Victoria Brooks, CAO, Municipality of the District of Yarmouth
  • Wes Petite, NSFM Support Staff

  pdf Terms of Reference (133 KB)

  pdf Municipal Statement of Interest (96 KB)

Requests Under Review:

Strengthening Rural Cellphone Coverage for Emergency Preparedness

NSFM continues to advocate for improved rural cellular coverage as a critical component of emergency preparedness. In a recent letter to Honourable Kim Masland, Minister of Emergency Management, NSFM reaffirmed the importance of engaging municipalities in the ongoing Cellular for Nova Scotia Program. Click Here to Read Letter

Reliable cellular service is essential for public safety, particularly in rural communities where communication gaps can hinder emergency response. NSFM commended the provincial government’s investment in expanding coverage and emphasized that municipalities, with their local expertise and connections, should be engaged as partners in this work.

Additionally, NSFM urged Minister Masland to proclaim amendments to the Emergency Management Act (Bill 198), which would require telecommunications providers to establish annual emergency response plans and ensure accountability during crises.

As this issue remains a priority for NSFM, we will continue to advocate for meaningful municipal involvement in shaping emergency telecommunications policy.

Policing Services

NSFM represents all municipalities in Nova Scotia and works on their behalf to support strong, sustainable, safe communities. Providing policing services is primarily a municipal responsibility in Nova Scotia and NSFM has been engaged in recent developments related to the RCMP.

Engagement with the RCMP Contract Management Committee

NSFM sits on the RCMP Contract Management Committee (CMC) to represent all municipalities that receive contract services from the RCMP. At the CMC meetings we discuss subjects such as the quality of service and collective bargaining for RCMP officers.

Here is the final version of the Consultation on Contract Policing, along with our pdf contribution (254 KB) . NSFM is always pushing for equal recognition of all members of the committee as outlined by this  pdf document (298 KB) signed by all municipal associate members.

RCMP Collective Bargaining Update

Since November 2022, the Treasury Board (TBS) has provided updates on Collective Bargaining to the CMC. The current status includes five pending issues, with wages and positioning around base salary and total compensation being the main focus. Although an agreement has not been reached, TBS and the National Police Federation (NPF) are not at an impasse. A mediator has been engaged to facilitate the process.

The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board issued an arbitral award with respect to the renewal of the collective agreement for the RCMP Regular Members (below the rank of Inspector) and Reservist (RM) group, which consist of approximately 20,000 members.

The arbitral decision awards the following:

  • Two-year duration (2023-24 & 2024-25)
  • General economic increases and market adjustments totaling 8%
    • April 1, 2023:   4% (3% + 1% market adjustment)
    • April 1, 2024:   4% (2% + 2% market adjustment)
  • One-time allowance of $2,500 related to the performance of regular duties
  • Implementation timelines as previously agreed to by the parties

In addition, all items previously agreed to by the parties during the course of negotiations, shall also form part of the new collective agreement and includes the following highlights:

  • Increase to the Field Trainer Allowance from 3.5% to 4% 
  • New Police Dog Service Imprinter Allowance of $3000/year 
  • Increase to Tier III Operational Clothing Allowance to $25/day (max $300/year)
  • Recognition of prior police service for the purposes of calculating annual leave credits
  • New provisions with respect to deployments to planned and unplanned events
  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation added to the list of designated paid holidays
  • Renewal of the Memorandum of Agreement on Supporting RCMP Member Wellness through the Joint Development of a Member Wellness Working Framework

Once approved by the Treasury Board, the new collective agreement will be signed by the parties and implementation of the agreement will be done in accordance with the timelines previously agreed to by the parties. The RCMP will invoice contract partners, as per Article 11 and as part of regular billing cycles prescribed in the Police Service Agreements. The amount owing for the period of retroactivity will be included in a future invoice, the timing will depend on when the payments are processed. Further, this retroactive amount will not impact the prior retroactive amount owing from the first round of collective bargaining (2017 to 2021) as this has either been paid in full or due to be paid in full no later than March 31, 2025, in accordance with an established agreement with Public Safety Canada.  

Contact Information:

For any inquiries about Collective Bargaining, please reach out to NSFM at or Public Safety Canada at:

Policing Meeting

Here's an update from the November 7, 2023 Policing Meeting

Policing & Protective Services Information