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Canada Retraining and Opportunities Initiative 

Department - Organization: Employment and Social Development Canada
Description: The fund supports workforce planning and skills training in communities significantly impacted by a mass layoff. It provides funding for community-based projects that help workers develop the skills they need to transition to new jobs.
Deadline: EOI March 31st, 2025.
Contact: Your email must include:
  • date of mass layoff(s).
  • location(s) of layoff by postal code.
  • number of individuals laid off. If your request is for multiple locations, please indicate the number at each location by postal code.
  • the three-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code or sub-industry for the business or employer where the layoff occurred. Please refer to Statistics Canada for guidance.

Municipal Innovation Program 

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: MIP supports innovative approaches to regional municipal services, improvements to municipal capacities, and promotion of effective intermunicipal relations to support regional economic development, regional planning, and intermunicipal collaboration. This program is for joint applications requiring at least 2 municipalities.
  • Regional planning initiatives to have appropriate land areas zoned and ready to accept developments being pursued by regional economic development plans
  • Plans to coordinate infrastructure investments with the regional economic development plan, thereby coordinating land development with available infrastructure capacity and the efficient extension of servicing
  • Coordination activities with Federal and Provincial Departments and Economic Development Agencies
  • Regional planning initiatives involving implementable Municipal Climate Change Action Plan activities that help mitigate climate impacts on regional scale economies
  • The development of a regional tax-base sharing agreement to support economic development goals 8 Municipal Innovation Program Application Guidelines 2025-26
  • Localized revenue sharing: an agreement is struck on how tax revenues will be shared on an asset that is located in one of two or more municipalities
  • Projects to help municipalities and the province improve and better coordinate their development and business approvals processes
  • Community engagement and support services (e.g. Nova Scotia Digital Service Initiative).
  • Streamlining the development and planning approvals process • Coordination of business approvals (e.g. licensing, public health, permits)
  • Other workforce-oriented policy/regulatory improvement
Deadline:  April 28th, 2025

Tourism Digital Assistance Program

Department - Organization: Tourism Nova Scotia
Description: The program helps effectively promote local communities as a travel destination, attract visitors and encourage spending. The program will cover up to $15,000 in services and online tools to municipalities, chambers of commerce and community tourism organizations to address their digital needs. 
Example(s): Website Design & Development, Data Analytics, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Digital Branding & Design, Digital Marketing Planning, Social Media Planning, Copywriting, E-commerce, Online Booking, Photography & Videography (up to $3,000).
Deadline: April 30th; 4:00 PM

Community Economic Development Fund 

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Economic Development
Description: Helps communities become more competitive by funding projects that have a broad impact on a sector or region. The fund considers projects that promote cooperation and partnerships. Municipalities or RENs can apply. Capital projects are eligible, such as waterfront development or placemaking projects. Water and wastewater projects are not eligible.
Example(s): Lighthouse Arts Center, Halifax Convention Center.
Deadline:  The fund is open for applications 3 times per year. 

Foreign Credential Recognition Program

Department - Organization: Employment and Social Development Canada
Description: Supports the labour market integration of skilled newcomers. Funding is available for activities that involve the following:
  • research, analysis or testing of new approaches to reduce barriers for entry to practice
  • improve career advancement of skilled newcomers in targeted occupations and sectors
  • development, validation and implementation of tools and processes to enable regulatory authorities and other stakeholders to assess, support, and provide international credentials recognition, work experience, competencies, and knowledge of skilled newcomers
  • development and implementation of Pan Canadian certification or licensure pathways that can enhance labour mobility
  • development and implementation of gap training courses or programs for targeted occupations and sectors, and
  • development and provision of alternative career pathways and employment support services for skilled newcomers
Deadline: Continous intake

Nova Scotia Mineral Resources Development Fund Communities Grant

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Natural Resources and Renewables
Description: Grants are available for projects intended to support communities as they interact with the mining industry. Activities should be intended to support the mineral resource industry in Nova Scotia. Applications and proposals for marketing grants are accepted throughout the fiscal year starting April 1st each year. Maximum of $25,000.
Deadline: Open April 1st Annually.

Community Capacity Fund

Department - Organization: Atlantic Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
Description: To help with planning and assessment of an opportunity (i.e., study-type projects). This fund is not found online, it is accessible through speaking with your regional manager at ACOA.
Deadline: Continuous intake

Innovative Communities Fund

Department - Organization: Atlantic Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
Description: The fund is for economic development projects and initiatives that lead to long-term employment and a stronger local economy. The fund enables communities to: develop thriving industry sectors, strengthen infrastructure in rural areas, invest in projects to help communities overcome economic issues and take advantage of new opportunities.
Example(s): Projects with links to tourism, for example, waterfront development capital projects. Events that bring in a national or international audience. Expansion of municipal services can be eligible if it is linked to economic development in the private sector.
Deadline: Continuous intake

Mitacs Municipal Support

Department - Organization: Mitacs
Description: They offer funding (non repayable grants) and connect municipalities with post-secondary researchers for innovative projects — from affordable housing, green initiatives, transit, infrastructure, climate change — and more — to tackle your most difficult challenges and create vibrant and healthy communities.
  • Non-repayable funding from $6,000 to multi-million.
  • A custom-built research and innovation team to roadmap your project.
  • Scalable, multidisciplinary projects in all areas.
  • Academic/research team to give you the specialized knowledge and skills that you need.
  • Works with you to resolve the major challenges that Canadian municipalities face
  • The Pontiac Regional Municipal explored how to solve labour shortages via a pilot project with UQO for the resettlement and support of foreign workers and immigrant families in agricultural areas.
Deadline: Continuous intake
Contact: Form on the webpage

Currently Closed, Next intake TBD:

Sustainable Development Goals Program

Department - Organization: Employment and Social Development Canada 
Description: In September 2015, Canada and 192 other UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda is a 15-year global framework centred on an ambitious set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This includes areas applicable to municipalities, such as sustainable cities and communities, decent work and economic growth, clean water and sanitation,
Example: By the Governors of Saint-Francis Xavier University: This project addresses the barriers to affordable housing in Nova Scotia. It leads a grassroots community consultation using the SDGs as a blueprint to frame the discussions. It addresses the factors that influence the housing needs of people living in low-incomes and marginalized populations. 
Deadline:  Closed January 22, 2024


Department - Organization: Innoweave/ McConnell Family Foundation
Description: Innoweave helps organizations implement social innovation with personalized coaching. Innoweave teaches the organization to implement these changes itself, taking a coaching method rather than a consultation approach. They offer funding three times a year through a competitive process, funding 2/3 of organizations (up to $10,000). With a large network of experienced coaches, they guide areas like policy engagement, scaling impact, developmental evaluation, and impact measurement. To better understand the program, please watch the “Introduction to Innoweave” video.
Deadline: Closed April 26th, 2024.

Beautification and Streetscaping Program

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Description: Funding to develop beautiful areas that encourage economic development and attract tourists to your municipality. You need to use the funding to beautify, improve or maintain property that the municipality owns or leases. Or the funding needs to be used to pay grants to an organization for beautifying a business district. The program may fund up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $25,000. The applicant or other sources need to fund the remaining balance of the project.
Example(s): Signage, beautification fixtures like baskets, banners, benches, bike racks, waste receptacles, planters and flowers, planting shrubs and trees, lighting, building façades, kiosks and other amenities directed at a tourism audience, beautification and streetscaping plans, contracted labour (non-staff), professional services.
Deadline: Closed June 13, 2024.

Emerging Destinations Program

Department - Organization: Tourism Nova Scotia
Description: Helps communities identify and position their most compelling tourism assets, such as attractions, experiences, food and drink, events, and accommodations, to increase awareness with potential travellers. Program activities will focus on one season (preferably fall or winter, but will also consider late-summer) and implement short-term actions to help build awareness of their community in 2024-25
  • Coaching using tools and resources to identify and position their most compelling tourism products and develop a tourism action plan;
  • Exploring opportunities to maximize or extend a tourism season;
  • Target market research insights for regional travellers;
  • A travel media/influencer visit to generate new photos and digital content to increase the profile of seasonal tourism products
Deadline: Closed May 8st, 4:00 PM, 2024

Contact: Erin Hume, Tourism Development Advisor,, 902-717-4831

Website: Emerging Destinations Program

Digital Content Marketing Program

Department - Organization: Tourism Nova Scotia
Description: Collaborate with Tourism Nova Scotia to create high-quality videos and photos to use in your marketing or to develop digital marketing campaigns to raise awareness of your business or community. Participants work with Tourism Nova Scotia to identify shared goals for projects through the Digital Content Marketing Program and determine a budget. The minimum partner investment for digital marketing partners is $7,500 plus a 15% media buying fee (total $8,625). The minimum partner investment for content creation is $10,000. Tourism Nova Scotia will match partner investments. Tourism businesses, National Parks, municipalities and other tourism-related organizations are eligible to apply.
Deadline: December 18 at 4:00 p.m.
Contact:, 902-497-0067

Strategic Development Initiative

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: Encourages archives, community museums, municipal governments, and not-for-profit groups to develop projects that build on a community's assets and strengths to further sector development. Eligible activities include expanding retail operations, developing new revenue sources, improving leadership and programming skills, and developing new audiences. 
Deadline: December 31st, 2024, or untill fully allocated.

Festival and Community Event Development

Department - Organization: NS Dept of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Description: The objectives of the program are to improve the sustainability and event-hosting capacity of unique community events and to support home-grown events that promote or strengthen the unique character of the community. Up to $10,000. Applicants can apply for one festival or event per fiscal year.
Example(s): Supports major events being hosted in Nova Scotia that align with the Nova Scotia Events Strategy. Major sporting and cultural events are a major focus of the fund, as well as homegrown events like the DEVOUR Food Film Festival.
Deadline: Closed February 28th, 2025. 
Contact: Stephen MacDougall, Senior Events Advisor,

If you can't find a grant that suits your municipality's needs, please reach out. Similarly, if your municipality is applying to any of the listed opportunities, I am readily available to provide assistance throughout the application process.

Lucy MacLeod

Lucy MacLeod,
Fund Navigator