In June, NSFM was pleased to learn about the successful renegotiation of the Canada Community Building Fund (CCBF) agreement between the federal and provincial governments. The CCBF provides up-front, predictable, and long-term funding to support local infrastructure priorities. Over the next five years, the CCBF will invest over $318.8 million in Nova Scotia, beginning with $60.7 million in 2024-2025.
This vital fund promotes community growth by supporting infrastructure projects that can help increase housing supply and affordability.
The renewed agreement, which extends to 2034, secures a critical funding stream for municipalities to advance key infrastructure initiatives, including roads, water, and wastewater systems.
NSFM was asked to provide valuable input and feedback to the province during their negotiation process. Our feedback was well received.
Nationally, the federal government has committed $26.7 billion to the CCBF over the next decade, with a strong emphasis on facilitating the construction of new homes.
In some cases, municipalities will be required to report on how specific infrastructure projects contribute to housing development. While this component focuses on urban areas, all municipalities recognize the significant role infrastructure plays in fostering housing growth and creating vibrant, livable communities.
The information provided here is a sampling of resources developed by NSFM. Municipalities are encouraged to visit the Canada Community-Building Fund for Municipalities at the Department of Municipal Affairs for a full range of CCBF information and resources.
The Canada Community-Building Fund: A Year in Review
To capture highlights from the 2022-23 fiscal year, pdf NSFM developed the Canada Community-Building Fund: Year in Review (3.80 MB) to provide a graphical overview of the CCBF in Nova Scotia. It outlines key financial information, as well as highlights from local projects and asset management initiatives to demonstrate how municipalities are using the CCBF to support sustainable infrastructure investments in their communities. To view previous Year in Review documents Click Here
Recent Canada Community-Building Fund Articles in NSFM’s Municipal Observer:
- pdf Double Helping of Federal Funding Supports Municipal Infrastructure Projects (2.84 MB)
- pdf Canada Community-Building Fund Project Spotlight: The Municipality of the County of Antigonish’s Market Street Water Tower & Utility Upgrade Project (2.44 MB)
- pdf Canada Community Building Fund Assists Shelburne Marine Terminal Upgrade (488 KB)
- pdf Canada Community building fund project highlight Town of Port Hawkesbury Macquarrie Community Park Improvments (204 KB)
- pdf Investing in Nova Scotia Active Transportation Infrastructure with Federal Gas Tax Fund (78 KB)
The Infrastructure Spotlight Report: Local Successes from the Canada Community-Building Fund
NSFM is pleased to release the Infrastructure Spotlight Report: Local Successes from the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF), developed in partnership with the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The report provides a sampling of projects undertaken from 2014 to 2021 by Nova Scotia municipalities. From the development of active transportation trails to improvements in water and wastewater treatment facilities, the CCBF has made significant contributions to numerous infrastructure projects across the province. The report aims to demonstrate how local municipalities are making the most of the CCBF through strategic infrastructure investments that contribute to a better quality of life in our communities.
The pdf Infrastructure Spotlight Report (4.66 MB) outlines how CCBF work is communicated in Nova Scotia through websites, social media channels and municipally installed signage. It presents CCBF project analytics to demonstrate how and where municipalities are investing their funds. It also highlights best practices and innovation through a selection of 25 municipal projects from across the province that contribute to the national objectives of productivity and economic growth, cleaner environment and strong communities.
Canada Community-Building Fund Signage
Municipalities are required to install temporary signs for many CCBF projects, as part of the terms of their Municipal Funding Agreement. NSFM collects information on behalf of the Department of Municipal Affairs twice a year to develop reports that track the installation of CCBF project signs.
Details on the federal signage requirements can be found at Infrastructure Project Signage Guidelines - Introduction. Also, NSFM developed the pdf Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) Program Guide 2022-23 (1.01 MB) for your easy reference.