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Halifax Regional Municipality

Mayor: Andy Fillmore
CAO: Cathie O'Toole
Address: P.O. Box 1749 Halifax, N.S. B3J 3A5
Phone: 902-490-4010
Fax: 902-490-4012
Mayor's Email:

Region of Windsor West Hants

Mayor: Abraham Zebian
CAO: Mark Phillips
Address: 76 Morison Drive, P.O. Box 3000, Windsor, N.S. B0N 2T0
Phone: 902-798-8391
Fax: 902-798-8553
Mayor's Email:
CAO's email:

Cape Breton Regional Municipality

Mayor: Cecil Clarke
CAO: Demetri Kachafanas (Intermin CAO)
Address: 320 Esplanade Sydney, N.S. B1P 7B9
Phone: 902-563-5005
Fax: 902-564-0481
Mayor's Email:

Region of Queens Municipality

Mayor: Scott Christian
CAO: Pam Lovelace
Address: P.O. Box 1264 Liverpool, N.S. B0T 1K0
Phone: 902-354-3453
Fax: 902-354-7473